make your epub books vertical or horizontal.
You can use streamlit
pip install epubhv
git clone
cd epubhv && bash ./
If you are using pipx, you can directly run epubhv
pipx run epubhv a.epub
pip install epubhv[web]
streamlit run
epubhv a.epub # will generate a file a-v.epub that is vertical
# or
epubhv b.epub --h # will generate a file b-h.epub that is horizontal
# if you also want to translate from `简体 -> 繁体`
epubhv c.epub --convert s2t
# if you also want to translate from `繁体 -> 简体`
epubhv d.epub --h --convert t2s
# or a folder contains butch of epubs
epubhv tests/test_epub # will generate all epub files to epub-v
# you can specify the punctuation style
epubhv e.epub --convert s2t --punctuation auto
# you can add `ruby` for Japanese(furigana) and Chinese(pinyin)
epubhv e.epub --h --ruby
# if you want to learn `cantonese` 粤语
epubhv f.epub --h --ruby --cantonese
About cantonese
- Any issues or PRs are welcome.
# install all dependencies
pdm install
# format code
pdm run format
# run the following scripts and make sure all pass before you start a Pull Request
pdm run all
- @tommyku --> How to make EPUB ebooks with vertical layout?
- @jiak94 support OpenCC
- @OverflowCat add punctuation styles.
- @jt-wang Type and PDM!
- furigana4epub
- ToJyutping
- Streamlit
- EpubConv_Python found a similar project, seems we are not the only one need this, great thanks, appreciation and respect.
- Thank you, that's enough. Just enjoy it.