EDP installation can be applied on two container orchestration platforms: OpenShift and Kubernetes.
NOTE: Installation of operators is platform-independent, that is why there is a unified instruction for deploying.
- Linux machine or Windows Subsystem for Linux instance with Helm 3 installed;
- Cluster admin access to the cluster;
- EDP project/namespace is deployed by following one of the instructions: edp-install-openshift or edp-install-kubernetes.
- Go to the releases page of this repository, choose a version, download an archive and unzip it;
NOTE: It is highly recommended to use the latest released version.
- Go to the unzipped directory and deploy operator:
helm install codebase-operator --namespace <edp_cicd_project> --set name=codebase-operator --set namespace=<edp_cicd_project> --set platform=<platform_type> --set image.name=epamedp/codebase-operator --set image.version=<operator_version> deploy-templates
<edp_cicd_project> - a namespace or a project name (in case of OpenShift) that is created by one of the instructions: edp-install-openshift or edp-install-kubernetes;
<platform_type> - a platform type that can be "kubernetes" or "openshift";
<operator_version> - a selected release version tag for the operator from Docker Hub;
- Check the <edp_cicd_project> namespace that should be in a pending state of creating a secret by indicating the following message: "Error: secrets "db-admin-console" not found". Such notification is a normal flow and it will be fixed during the EDP installation.