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A fancy, configurable, notification manager for NeoVim


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A fancy, configurable, notification manager for NeoVim


Credit to sunjon for the design that inspired the appearance of this plugin.



Make sure to use a font which supported glyphs (icons), font can be found here.

24-bit colour is required, which can be enabled by adding this to your init.lua

vim.opt.termguicolors = true

Then you can install nvim-notify with the package manager of your choice.


call dein#add("rcarriga/nvim-notify")


Plug 'rcarriga/nvim-notify'


use 'rcarriga/nvim-notify'


Simply call the module with a message!

require("notify")("My super important message")

Other plugins can use the notification windows by setting it as your default notify function

vim.notify = require("notify")

You can supply a level to change the border highlighting

vim.notify("This is an error message", "error")

Updating an existing notification is also possible!

Use treesitter highlighting inside notifications with opacity changing

There are a number of custom options that can be supplied in a table as the third argument. See :h NotifyOptions for details.

Sample code for the first GIF above:

local plugin = "My Awesome Plugin"

vim.notify("This is an error message.\nSomething went wrong!", "error", {
  title = plugin,
  on_open = function()
    vim.notify("Attempting recovery.", vim.log.levels.WARN, {
      title = plugin,
    local timer = vim.loop.new_timer()
    timer:start(2000, 0, function()
      vim.notify({ "Fixing problem.", "Please wait..." }, "info", {
        title = plugin,
        timeout = 3000,
        on_close = function()
          vim.notify("Problem solved", nil, { title = plugin })
          vim.notify("Error code 0x0395AF", 1, { title = plugin })

You can also use plenary's async library to avoid using callbacks:

local async = require("plenary.async")
local notify = require("notify").async
  notify("Let's wait for this to close").events.close()
  notify("It closed!")

Set a custom filetype to take advantage of treesitter highlighting:

vim.notify(text, "info", {
  title = "My Awesome Plugin",
  on_open = function(win)
    local buf = vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(win)
    vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(buf, "filetype", "markdown")

Check out the wiki for more examples!

Viewing History

If you have telescope.nvim installed then you can use the notify extension to search the history:

:Telescope notify

or in lua


Note: If you lazy load telescope you should manually call require("telescope").load_extension("notify") before using the above commands. If you don't lazy load telescope then notify does this for you.

There is a command to display a log of the history.


You can get a list of past notifications with the history function




You can optionally call the setup function to provide configuration options

See :h notify.Config for options and :h notify.setup() for default values.


You can define custom highlights by supplying highlight groups for each of the levels. The naming scheme follows a simple structure: Notify<upper case level name><section>. If you want to use custom levels, you can define the highlights for them or they will follow the INFO highlights by default.

Here are the defaults:

highlight NotifyERRORBorder guifg=#8A1F1F
highlight NotifyWARNBorder guifg=#79491D
highlight NotifyINFOBorder guifg=#4F6752
highlight NotifyDEBUGBorder guifg=#8B8B8B
highlight NotifyTRACEBorder guifg=#4F3552
highlight NotifyERRORIcon guifg=#F70067
highlight NotifyWARNIcon guifg=#F79500
highlight NotifyINFOIcon guifg=#A9FF68
highlight NotifyDEBUGIcon guifg=#8B8B8B
highlight NotifyTRACEIcon guifg=#D484FF
highlight NotifyERRORTitle  guifg=#F70067
highlight NotifyWARNTitle guifg=#F79500
highlight NotifyINFOTitle guifg=#A9FF68
highlight NotifyDEBUGTitle  guifg=#8B8B8B
highlight NotifyTRACETitle  guifg=#D484FF
highlight link NotifyERRORBody Normal
highlight link NotifyWARNBody Normal
highlight link NotifyINFOBody Normal
highlight link NotifyDEBUGBody Normal
highlight link NotifyTRACEBody Normal

Render Style

The appearance of the notifications can be configured, using either built-in methods or custom functions. See :help notify-render() for details

  1. "default"


  1. "minimal"


  1. "simple"


  1. "compact"


Feel free to submit custom rendering functions to share with others!

Animation Style

The animation is designed to work in stages. The first stage is the opening of the window, and all subsequent stages can changes the position or opacity of the window. You can use one of the built-in styles or provide your own in the setup.

  1. "fade_in_slide_out"


  1. "fade"


  1. "slide"


  1. "static"


Custom styles can be provided by setting the config stages value to a list of functions.

If you create a custom style, feel free to open a PR to submit it as a built-in style!

NB. This is a prototype API that is open to change. I am looking for feedback on both issues or extra data that could be useful in creating animation styles.

Check the built-in styles to see examples

Opening the window

The first function in the list should return a table to be provided to nvim_open_win, optionally including an extra opacity key which can be between 0-100.

The function is given a state table that contains the following keys:

  • message: table State of the message to be shown
    • width Width of the message buffer
    • height Height of the message buffer
  • open_windows: integer[] List of all window IDs currently showing messages
  • buffer: integer The buffer containing the rendered notification message.

If a notification can't be shown at the moment the function should return nil.

Changing the window

All following functions should return the goal values for the window to reach from it's current point. They will receive the same state object as the initial function and a second argument of the window ID.

The following fields can be returned in a table:

  • col
  • row
  • height
  • width
  • opacity

These can be provided as either numbers or as a table. If they are provided as numbers then they will change instantly the value given.

If they are provided as a table, they will be treated as a value to animate towards. This uses a dampened spring algorithm to provide a natural feel to the movement.

The table must contain the goal value as the 1st index (e.g. {10})

All other values are provided with keys:

  • damping: number How motion decays over time. Values less than 1 mean the spring can overshoot.
    • Bounds: >= 0
    • Default: 1
  • frequency: number How fast the spring oscillates
    • Bounds: >= 0
    • Default: 1
  • complete: fun(value: number): bool Function to determine if value has reached its goal. If not provided it will complete when the value rounded to 2 decimal places is equal to the goal.

Once the last function has reached its goals, the window is removed.

One of the stages should also return the key time set to true. This is treated as the stage which the notification is on a timer. The goals of this stage are not used to check if it is complete. The next stage will start once the notification reaches its timeout.


A fancy, configurable, notification manager for NeoVim







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  • Lua 98.3%
  • Other 1.7%