number of vertexes: nnum
graph.bin: There are nnum lines and for each line, the format is: v ngt nlt u1 u2 ...(ngt adjacent vertexes whose order is greater than v) w1 w2 ...(nlt adjacent vertexes whose order is less than v
order.bin There are nnum lines and for each line, the format is vto v (the vertex number of vertex v is vto)
Example: graph.bin: 2 4 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 For vertex 2, it has 6 adjacent vertexes. And among them, there are 4 adjacent vertexes (3,4,5,6) whose order is greater than 2, and 2 adjacent vertexes (0,1) whose order is smaller than 2. order.bin: v v Suppose for vertex v, its order is v.
For HDFS version, it shall partition graph.bin into MAX_B blocks, and put them int the HDFS InDir firstly.