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Docker images with Makefile

This is a collection of dockerfiles for CI/CD development and which are running in our kubernetes_ cluster.

Quick Start

Uses Makefile whenever possible. Also setup to keep both arm64 (new Mac silicon) and amd64 (Intel) Structure follows the org/repo:version naming for tags but with directories driving the tag.
For example the bullseye/base dir in this project publishes to this docker hub as yakworks/bullseye:base. \

  • make bullseye/base, make bullseye/core, etc... too build the base images locally. This will not push it.
  • make bullseye/base push, make bullseye/jdk11 push, etc.. will build and push the images in both amd64 and arm64 platforms
  • make will rebuild all of them, make push will build and push
  • make will rebuild all of them, make push will build and push. the java ones will only support amd64 platform


The two main workhorses are builder and bullseye, and then the rest are special-purpose images we keep. Each of these has several builds inside, maintaining a family tree of sorts.

Builder is based on Alpine. Bullseye is based on Debian. Each has a base directory which directly depends on the official distribution image. From there, the other subfolders depend either on the base or on some other subfolder within the main distro folder.

The core folder is the main workhorse for each distro. It has the tools we use most.

├── alpine-jre         # base image for spring/java deployments
│   ├── 11
│   └── 8
├── archive           # old stuff for reference

├── builder             # Alpine (mostly) builders for dev and CI 
│   ├── base            # base with core installs (make, bash, etc..)
│   ├── core            # adds python, node, sops and kubectl to base
│   ├── jdk11           # java jdk
│   ├── jdk8            # java jdk
│   ├── jre11           # alpine jre for testing
│   ├── playwright      # playwright base with installs for CI
│   ├── postgres14-jdk8 # postgress with java installed
│   └── repo-job        # used for kubernets jobs, allows env vars specifying what git to down load and run

├── bullseye              # debian with amd64 and arm64 (mac silicon) images published
│   ├── base              # base built on debian 
│   ├── core              # adds python, node, sops and kubectl to base
│   ├── docker            # for building docker images
│   ├── docker-jdk11      # docker install with java
│   ├── helm              # help ontop of core
│   ├── jdk11             # java jdk
│   ├── jre11             # java jdk
│   ├── postgres14-jdk11  # postgres with java

├── mssql-server # sql server for linux for CI testing. 
├── nfs-server # baseline nfs server used on kub
├── nginx-python # base image for quick python nginx server
└── readiness-check

Running an image

make run bullseye/core