This is a ROS package that provides localization feedback with respect to a standard chessboard pattern. The package has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and ROS Indigo.
Bringup instructions:
To install ROS Indigo, please follow the ROS wiki instruction in the following link:
Please create a catkin workspace with the following instruction:
Clone the package into the src folder under the workspace (e.g. ~/catkin_ws/src from the example in step 2.) and compile via:
git clone
rosdep install chessboard_localization
cd ~/catkin_ws
Run the demo via:
rosrun chessboard_localization run.bash
roscd chessboard_localization/data
rosbag play sample.bag #please ask Jimmy for this dataset
This should bring up a RVIZ GUI that visualize the pose of the camera with respect to the chessboard during the events of the sample.bag dataset.