《AI 研发提效:构建 AI 辅助编码助手》 —— 介绍如何 DIY 一个端到端(从 IDE 插件、模型选型、数据集构建到模型微调)的 AI 辅助编程工具,类似于 GitHub Copilot、JetBrains AI Assistant、AutoDev 等。
用来批量处理黑猫投诉的工具,会提取所有未读投诉关键内容,并导出为excel, 方便汇总和统一处理,显著提高工作效率
Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
A module federation SDK which is unrelated to tool chain for module consumer. 工具链无关的运行时模块联邦sdk.
A simple, efficient and powerful micro front-end framework. 一款简约、高效、功能强大的微前端框架
EMP Micro FE Base on Rspack & module federation
Display PDFs in your React app as easily as if they were images.
基于vue的高扩展在线网页制作平台,可自定义组件,可添加脚本,可数据统计。A mobile page builder/editor, similar with amolink.
A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
A fast video processing library based on node.js (一个基于node.js的高速视频制作库)
开放式跨端跨框架解决方案,支持使用 React/Vue/Nerv 等框架来开发微信/京东/百度/支付宝/字节跳动/ QQ 小程序/H5/React Native 等应用。
The library for web and native user interfaces.
xujie-phper / node-elm
Forked from bailicangdu/node-elm基于 node.js Mongodb 构建的后台系统
🚀 A robust, performance-focused, and full-featured Redis client for Node.js.