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CMake wrapper for Xrepo C and C package manager.

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CMake wrapper for Xrepo C and C package manager.

This allows using CMake to build your project, while using Xrepo to manage dependent packages. This project is partially inspired by cmake-conan.

Example use cases for this project:

  • Existing CMake projects which want to use Xrepo to manage packages.
  • New projects which have to use CMake, but want to use Xrepo to manage packages.

Note: please use CMake 3.19 or later for reliable package usage in CMake code.




xrepo.cmake provides xrepo_package function to manage packages.

    "foo 1.2.3"
    [CONFIGS feature1=true,feature2=false]
    [CONFIGS path/to/script.lua]
    [MODE debug|release]
    [ALIAS aliasname]
    [OUTPUT verbose|diagnosis|quiet]

Some of the function arguments correspond directly to Xrepo command options.

xrepo_package adds package install directory to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. So find_package can be used. If CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION >= 3.1, cmake PkgConfig will also search for pkgconfig files under package install directories.

After calling xrepo_package(foo), there are three ways to use foo package:

  1. Call find_package(foo) if package provides cmake config-files.
    • Refer to CMake find_package documentation for more details.
  2. If the package does not provide cmake config files or find modules
    • Following variables can be used to use the pacakge (variable names following cmake find modules standard variable names)
      • foo_INCLUDE_DIRS
      • foo_LIBRARY_DIRS
      • foo_LIBRARIES
      • foo_DEFINITIONS
    • If DIRECTORY_SCOPE is specified, xrepo_package will run following code
  3. Use xrepo_target_packages. Please refer to following section.

Note CONFIGS path/to/script.lua is for fine control over package configs. For example:

  • Exclude packages on system.
  • Override dependent packages' default configs, e.g. set shared=true.

If DEPS is specified, all dependent libraries will add to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, along with include, libraries being included in the four variables.


Add package includedirs and links/linkdirs to the given target.

    package1 package2 ...
    • In case a package provides multiple libs and user need to select which one to link, pass NO_LINK_LIBRARIES to disable calling target_link_libraries. User should call target_link_libraries to setup correct library linking.
    • The default is not specifying propagation control keyword when calling target_include_libraries, target_link_libraries, etc, because there's no default choice on this in CMake.
    • Refer to this Stack Overflow answer for differences.

Use package from official repository

Xrepo official repository: xmake-repo

Here's an example CMakeLists.txt that uses gflags package version 2.2.2 managed by Xrepo.

Integrate xrepo.cmake

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13.0)


# Download xrepo.cmake if not exists in build directory.
if(NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/xrepo.cmake")
    message(STATUS "Downloading xrepo.cmake from")
    # mirror
    file(DOWNLOAD ""
                  TLS_VERIFY ON)

# Include xrepo.cmake so we can use xrepo_package function.

Add basic packages


add_executable(example-bin "")
target_sources(example-bin PRIVATE
xrepo_target_packages(example-bin zlib)

Add packages with configs

xrepo_package("gflags 2.2.2" CONFIGS "shared=true,mt=true")

add_executable(example-bin "")
target_sources(example-bin PRIVATE
xrepo_target_packages(example-bin gflags)

Add packages with cmake modules

xrepo_package("gflags 2.2.2" CONFIGS "shared=true,mt=true")

# `xrepo_package` add gflags install directory to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.
# As gflags provides cmake config-files, we can now call `find_package` to find
# gflags package.
find_package(gflags CONFIG COMPONENTS shared)

add_executable(example-bin "")
target_sources(example-bin PRIVATE
target_link_libraries(example-bin gflags)

Add custom packages

We can also add custom packages in our project.


add_executable(example-bin "")
target_sources(example-bin PRIVATE
xrepo_target_packages(example-bin myzlib)

Define myzlib package in packages/xmake.lua

    set_description("A Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression Library")


    add_versions("1.2.10", "8d7e9f698ce48787b6e1c67e6bff79e487303e66077e25cb9784ac8835978017")

    on_install(function (package)
  	-- TODO

    on_test(function (package)
        assert(package:has_cfuncs("inflate", {includes = "zlib.h"}))

We can write a custom package in xmake.lua, please refer Define Xrepo package.

Options and variables for xrepo.cmake

Following options can be speicified with cmake -D<var>=<value>. Or use set(var value) in CMakeLists.txt.

  • XMAKE_CMD: string, defaults to empty string
    • Specify path to xmake command. Use this option if xmake is not installed in standard location and can't be detected automatically.
    • Enable verbose output for Xrepo Packages.
    • If ON, xrepo.cmake will install xmake if it is not found.
    • Set this to ON to disable xrepo_package function.
    • If setting this variable in CMakeLists.txt, please set it before including xrepo.cmake.
    • Set parallel compilation threads num function.
    • If setting this variable in CMakeLists.txt, please set it before including xrepo.cmake.
    • Set xmake version.
    • If setting this variable in CMakeLists.txt, please set it before including xrepo.cmake.

Switching compiler and cross compilation

Following variables controll cross compilation. Note: to specify a different compiler other than the default one on system, platform must be set to "cross".

  • XREPO_TOOLCHAIN: string, defaults to empty string
    • Specify toolchain name. Run xmake show -l toolchains to see available toolchains.
  • XREPO_PLATFORM: string, defaults to empty string
    • Specify platform name. If XREPO_TOOLCHAIN is specified and this is not, XREPO_PLATFORM will be set to cross.
  • XREPO_ARCH: string, defaults to empty string
    • Specify architecture name.
  • XREPO_XMAKEFILE: string, defaults to empty string
    • Specify Xmake script file of Xrepo package.

Use package from 3rd repository

In addition to installing packages from officially maintained repository, Xrepo can also install packages from third-party package managers such as vcpkg/conan/conda/pacman/homebrew/apt/dub/cargo.

For the use of the command line, we can refer to the documentation: Xrepo command usage

We can also use it directly in cmake to install packages from third-party repositories, just add the repository name as a namespace. e.g. vcpkg::zlib, conan::pcre2




xrepo_package("conda::gflags 2.2.2")





How does it work?

xrepo.cmake module basically does the following tasks:

  • Call xrepo install to ensure specific package is installed.
  • Call xrepo fetch to get package information and setup various variables for using the installed package in CMake.

The following section is a short introduction to using Xrepo. It helps to understand how xrepo.cmake works and how to specify some of the options in xrepo_package.

Xrepo workflow

Assmuing Xmake is installed.

Suppose we want to use gflags packages.

First, search for gflags package in Xrepo.

$ xrepo search gflags
The package names:
      -> gflags-v2.2.2: The gflags package contains a C   library that implements commandline flags processing. (in builtin-repo)

It's already in Xrepo, so we can use it. If it's not in Xrepo, we can create it in self-built repositories.

Let's see what configs are available for the package before using it:

$ xrepo info gflags
      -> configs:
         -> mt: Build the multi-threaded gflags library. (default: false)
      -> configs (builtin):
         -> debug: Enable debug symbols. (default: false)
         -> shared: Build shared library. (default: false)
         -> pic: Enable the position independent code. (default: true)

Suppose we want to use multi-threaded gflags shared library. We can install the package with following command:

xrepo install --mode=release --configs='mt=true,shared=true' 'gflags 2.2.2'

Only the first call to the above command will compile and install the package. To speed up cmake configuration, xrepo command will only be executed when the package is not installed or xrepo_package parameters have changed.

After package installation, because we are using CMake instead of Xmake, we have to get package installation information by ourself. xrepo fetch command does exactly this:

xrepo fetch --json --mode=release --configs='mt=true,shared=true' 'gflags 2.2.2'

The above command will print out package's include, library directory along with other information. xrepo_package uses these information to setup variables to use the specified package.

For CMake 3.19 and later which has JSON support, xrepo_package parses the JSON output. For previous version of CMake, xrepo_package uses only the --cflags option to get package include directory. Library and cmake module directory are infered from that directory, so it maybe unreliable to detect the correct paths.