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Technical monitoring - Manage your technical resources from the Web (Based on Redux, Node.js, Api, etc.)

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Technical monitoring - Manage your technical ressources from the Web

This Web app is based on the following technologies and patterns:

  • Postgres
  • React & Redux
  • Node.js & Express
  • Docker (for storage)
  • Javascript modern tooling (Webpack, Babel, etc.)
  • JWT (JSON Web Token)

⚠️ This app is not perfect in many respects. I use it as an experimentation field for my training in technologies and concepts quite new for me (Single Page App, Server Side Rendering, ES6, React/Redux, Node/Express, Docker, Webpack, etc.)

Table of content

Starting the Postgres database (through Docker)

This project embeds a Dockerfile that creates a new Docker image based on the Postgres:9.6 official image and runs some bootstrapping SQL scripts (from the docker/Postgres/src folder). These scripts execute the following commands during container build :

  • create an app DB user (password app)
  • create an app database
  • create an app_test database
  • create a model schema in each database
  • grant all permissions to app user for each database

Build image and run the DB container:


⚠️ The container maps the local var/pgdata folder to container's data folder. You may have to run the following command before running the container:

    ## cd to project's root directory:
    mkdir -p var/pgdata
  • Build the Postgres DB image:
    ## Change directory where the Postgres Dockerfile is:
    cd docker/Postgres
    ## Build the image:
    docker build -t my-tech-monitoring-db .
  • Start the DB container : npm run start-db


Here are some useful commands for Docker & Postgres (as a reminder) :

    ## Reminder #
    ## List Docker images:
    docker images
    ## Remove an image:
    docker rmi <imageId>
    ## List all Docker containers:
    docker ps -a
    ## List all started containers:
    docker ps
    ## Remove a container :
    docker rm <containerId>
    ## Show logs for a given container :
    docker logs <containerId>
    ## End of reminder

    ## Start the database container as daemon:
    npm run start-db
    ## [Optional, for demo purposes only] Start the container once again in TTY mode in order to connect to the database through PSQL :
    ## Nota: Password for `postgres` role is `postgres`
    docker run -it --rm --name my-tech-monitoring-db-cli --link my-tech-monitoring-db-server:db-server my-tech-monitoring-db psql -h db-server -d app -U postgres
    ## List tables (relations) in `model` schema :
    $ postgres=# \dt model.*
    ## Show `model.techresources` table's structure :
    $ postgres=# \d  model.techresources
    ## Show `model.techresources` table's content : 
    $ postgres=# select * from model.techresources;

Running DB migrations and seeders

    ## Running migrations
    ./node_modules/.bin/knex migrate:latest --env <development|test>

    ## Running seeders (fixtures)
    ./node_modules/.bin/knex seed:run --env <development|test>


Technical monitoring - Manage your technical resources from the Web (Based on Redux, Node.js, Api, etc.)







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