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A social platform for daily updates.


Both Updately's frontend and backend are built in Next.js. Auth is handled using next-auth with Google OAuth as the only provider, and MongoDB is used for data storage. For full details, check out this blog post.

To get a local version of Updately running:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Make a .env file in the project root with the following variables:
    • GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: client ID from Google OAuth credentials (follow Google//next-auth instructions to set up yourself)
    • GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET: client secret from Google OAuth credentials
    • NEXTAUTH_URL: http://localhost:3000 or whatever your URL is
    • MONGODB_URL: MongoDB URL with specified cluster, password, etc. Set up your own MongoDB cluster for this
  3. Run npm run dev to spin up a local server. Have fun!