Allows you to mount a MongoDB GridFS instance as a local filesystem.
- MongoDB 1.6
- Boost (header files the following separately built libraries --with-libraries=filesystem,program_options,system,thread)
$ make
Note that if you are using a debian or Ubuntu install, it might be better to use the debian make target (use "make debian") instead of the default target. You will need the following packages:
g , libfuse-dev, mongodb-dev, libboost-system-dev, libboost-filesystem-dev, libboost-thread-dev
$ ./mount_gridfs --db=db_name --prefix=fs --host=localhost --port=port --username=db_username --password=db_password mount_point
- Must specify all command-line arguments
- Database username and password sent in cleartext
- No directories
- No permissions
- File creation/writing very experimental