Starred repositories
Ultimate camera streaming application with support RTSP, RTMP, HTTP-FLV, WebRTC, MSE, HLS, MP4, MJPEG, HomeKit, FFmpeg, etc.
Package lorawan provides structures and tools to read and write LoraWAN messages from and to a slice of bytes.
The Things Stack, an Open Source LoRaWAN Network Server
Low-code programming for event-driven applications
ffmpeg 拉取rtsp h264流, 使用mpp解码, 目前在firefly 板子上跑通了
TensorRT YOLO系列的 多路 多卡 多实例 并行视频分析处理案例
H264(AVC) and H265(HEVC) bit stream Analyzer, VS2010 MFC project(Windows 7 x64).
Jetson Video Encoding and Decoding ; Jetson Jetpack5.x视频编解码库
封装Jetson Multimedia API的编解码库,基于基础进行的修改,未集成于ffmpeg,可单独使用。
A flow chart editing framework focusing on business customization. 专注于业务自定义的流程图编辑框架,支持实现脑图、ER图、UML、工作流等各种图编辑场景。
A Lightweight VPN Built on top of IPFS Libp2p for Truly Distributed Networks.
cube studio开源云原生一站式机器学习/深度学习/大模型AI平台,支持sso登录,多租户,大数据平台对接,notebook在线开发,拖拉拽任务流pipeline编排,多机多卡分布式训练,超参搜索,推理服务VGPU,边缘计算,serverless,标注平台,自动化标注,数据集管理,大模型微调,vllm大模型推理,llmops,私有知识库,AI模型应用商店,支持模型一键开发/推理/微调,…