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After wampcc has been successfully compiled and installed (using make install) these example programs can be built and run to demonstrate basic WAMP functionality.


To build the examples you must first define a few environment variables which point to where wampcc and its dependent libraries have been installed, and then run make -f examples.makefile.

If you try to compile before setting these variables you'll see an error like:

makefile:9: *** WAMPCC_HOME undefined - set WAMPCC_HOME to where wampcc was make-installed. Stop.

These are the environment variables which must be defined:

  • WAMPCC_HOME - location of wampcc installation
  • LIBUV_HOME - location of libuv installation
  • JANSSON_HOME - location of jansson installation

For example, if each library has been built and installed under /opt then the appropriate Linux commands (for a bash shell) might be:

export WAMPCC_HOME=/opt/wampcc-1.0
export LIBUV_HOME=/opt/libuv-1.10.2
export JANSSON_HOME=/opt/jansson-2.7

You should now be able to compile all examples by running make.

cd examples
make -f examples.makefile


Running the example programs requires that your shell has LD_LIBRARY_PATH set appropriately, so that the shared libraries linked-to by wampcc can be located. It is also useful to update your PATH to include the admin binary that is included with wampcc:

for path in  "$WAMPCC_HOME"  "$LIBUV_HOME"  "$JANSSON_HOME" ; do
  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$path"/lib:"$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

export PATH="$WAMPCC_HOME"/bin:"$PATH"

Embedded router and RPC invocation

After the examples are built we can run the basic_embedded_router program together with the admin utility to demonstrate basic WAMP RPC functionality.

Start the embedded router example by providing a port number on which it will listen for new connections:

basic/basic_embedded_router 55555

If it's able to bind to the port then the following output will appear:

20170311-18:48:24.306394 20045  INFO listening on 55555
20170311-18:48:24.306807 20045  INFO procedure added, 1, default_realm::greeting
20170311-18:48:24.306899 20045  INFO procedure added, 2, default_realm::pid
20170311-18:48:24.306940 20045  INFO procedure added, 3, default_realm::random_string
20170311-18:48:24.306978 20045  INFO procedure added, 4, default_realm::kill

This shows the names of the RPCs that the program has registered.

An RPC can be called using wampcc's admin program:

admin 55555 -c greeting

Here the -c option means call the RPC named greeting, and the second line is the output of the RPC.