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Product CSV Import Schema

Jorge A. Torres edited this page Oct 26, 2022 · 7 revisions

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This is the schema used for the built in CSV importer and exporter in WooCommerce 3.1 .

Visit the Product CSV Importer and Exporter guide for more information on how to use it.

General CSV guidelines

  • CSVs should be in UTF-8 format.
  • Any dates should be defined for the store's local timezone.
  • If importing a boolean value (true or false) use 1 or 0 in your CSV.
  • Multiple values in a field get separated with commas.
  • If referencing an existing product ID, prefix the id with id:. If referencing a SKU, no prefix is needed. e.g. id:100, SKU101
  • Custom meta is supported/imported but only plain text - no support for JSON or Serialised data.
  • Taxonomy term hierarchy is denoted with >, terms are separated with commas.
  • Serialised data is not supported.
  • Images need to be pre-uploaded or available online in order to import to your store.
  • External URLs are supported and imported into the media library if used.
  • You can define the filename if the image already exists in the media library.

CSV columns and formatting

CSV Column Name Maps to product property Example Notes
ID id 100 Defining this will overwrite data for that ID on import.
Type type simple, variation, virtual Product Type. Valid values: simple, variable, grouped, external, variation, virtual, downloadable. Multiple types can be used CSV separated.
SKU sku my-sku Required. Auto-generated if missing.
Name name My Product Name Required.
Published status 1 1 for published, 0 for private, -1 for draft.
Is featured? featured 1 1 or 0
Visibility in catalog catalog_visibility visible Supported values: visible, catalog, search, hidden
Short description short_description This is a product.
Description description This is more information about a product.
Date sale price starts date_on_sale_from 2013-06-07 Date (start of day) or leave blank.
Date sale price ends date_on_sale_to 2013-06-07 Date (end of day) or leave blank.
Tax status tax_status taxable Supported values: taxable, shipping, none
Tax class tax_class standard Can use any existing tax class.
In stock? stock_status 1 1 or 0
Stock manage_stock / stock_quantity 20 Numeric stock level enables stock management. parent can be used for variations. Blank = no stock management.
Low stock amount low_stock_amount 3 Empty or a number
Backorders allowed? backorders 1 1, 0, or notify
Sold individually? sold_individually 1 1 or 0
Weight (unit) weight 100 Parse only numbers.
Length (unit) length 20 Parse only numbers.
Width (unit) width 20 Parse only numbers.
Height (unit) height 20 Parse only numbers.
Allow customer reviews? reviews_allowed 1 1 or 0
Purchase Note purchase_note Thanks for buying it buddy.
Sale price sale_price 20.99 Sale price.
Regular price regular_price 24.99 Regular price.
Categories category_ids Category 1, Category 1 > Category 2 CSV list of categories. > used for hierarchy.
Tags tag_ids Tag 1, Tag 2 CSV list of tags.
Shipping class shipping_class_id Name Name of shipping class
Images image_id / gallery_image_ids, First is featured image.
Download limit download_limit 1 n/a or a limit.
Download expiry days download_expiry 1 n/a or a day limit.
Parent parent_id id:100, SKU-1 Set parent ID. Used for variations. Can be just a numeric ID e.g. id:100 or a SKU. Export will use SKU when possible.
Grouped products children id:100, id:101, SKU-1, SKU-2 List of IDs. Can be just a numeric ID e.g. id:100 or a SKU. Export will use SKU when possible.
Upsells upsell_ids id:100, id:101, SKU-1, SKU-2 List of IDs. Can be just a numeric ID e.g. id:100 or a SKU. Export will use SKU when possible.
Cross-sells cross_sell_ids id:100, id:101, SKU-1, SKU-2 List of IDs. Can be just a numeric ID e.g. id:100 or a SKU. Export will use SKU when possible.
External URL product_url Product external URL.
Button text button_text Buy on the WordPress swag store! Custom product "buy" button.
Position menu_order 1 Menu order, used for sorting.
Attribute 1 name attributes Color Looks for global attribute or uses text if not found. Include as many as needed. "Used for variations" is set automatically.
Attribute 1 value(s) attributes Blue, Red, Green List of values. Variations only need 1 value. First is used if multiple get provided.
Attribute 1 default default_attributes Blue Default value for variable products.
Attribute 1 visible attributes 1 1 or 0. Mapping screen labels this as "Attribute Visibility"
Attribute 1 global attributes 1 1 or 0. Mapping screen labels this as "Is a global attribute?"
Download 1 name downloads Download 1
Download 1 URL downloads
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