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A port forwarding tool works like ssh tunneling, but Zero Config for client.


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A port forwarding tool with encryption and authentication that just works like ssh tunnel, but Zero Config for client.

Warning It is currently a simple project and the author is not familiar with security, we take no responsibility for any security flaws.

Welcome to create issues and pull requests.


Use case

  • You need to expose local port to public ip with encryption, and you just want specific users to visit it.
  • You don't like teaching your users how to config the client program.


  • Works just like ssh tunnel, but using Noise protocol.
  • Client's binary executable is auto generated from server, user can run it without any config by hand, and only generated clients can communicate with server for auth.
  • Every DH key used is auto generated too, without any copy-and-paste of config files.

How it works

remote1 <-> client <-> server <-> remote2
  1. Server listens on public IP and a public port.
  2. Remote can be a remote port (, a local port (, or dynamic (socks5).
  3. Client works in any of the following modes:
    • ssh -L mode: visit static port of remote2 through server.
    • ssh -D mode: visit dynamic remote2 through server's builtin socks5 server.
    • ssh -R mode: expose remote1 (port or dynamic) to server and register a service id.
    • ssh -R visitor mode: only clients in this mode with same service id can visit the exposed port.
  4. Client and server handshake using Noise_IK_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s.
  5. Data transferred with encryption between client and server.


  1. Config server with a config.toml file.


    host = ''         # host of server
    port = 8022                  # port of server
    remote = ''    # default static remote (can be customized per client)
    # remote = 'socks5'          # or use dynamic remote
  2. Generate server keypair by running portguard gen-key -c config.toml.

    After that, config.toml becomes:

    host = ''
    port = 8022
    remote = ''
    pubkey = '1y3HW8TDxChtke5nyEdLGj OkQSg8JjLdalSHzD aWI='
    prikey = 'eHg7jR/IZwEZEqeyR27IUTN0py5a3 wP0uM z9HeWn8='
  3. Generate client binary executable using portguard gen-cli subcommand in 4 different modes:

        portguard gen-cli [OPTIONS] --config <CONFIG> --output <OUTPUT>
        -c, --config <CONFIG>      location of config file
        -h, --help                 Print help information
        -i, --input <INPUT>        location of input binary (current binary by default)
        -n, --name <NAME>          name of client [default: user]
        -o, --output <OUTPUT>      location of output binary
        -s, --service <SERVICE>    service id of a reverse proxy
        -t, --target <TARGET>      client's target address, can be socket address or "socks5"

    Example of generated config file:

    host = ''
    port = 8022
    remote = ''
    pubkey = '1y3HW8TDxChtke5nyEdLGj OkQSg8JjLdalSHzD aWI='
    prikey = 'eHg7jR/IZwEZEqeyR27IUTN0py5a3 wP0uM z9HeWn8='
    # works like ssh -L
    # to generate this, run: ./portguard gen-cli -c config.toml -o client -t
    # `name` field does nothing to auth, just for admin of server to distinguish clients
    name = "normal"
    pubkey = "dnso7kN2vhgLR/DVcAJRy1c9lRns3w7ESfB42szQWVI="
    remote = ""
    # works like ssh -D
    # to generate this, run: ./portguard gen-cli -c config.toml -o client_socks5 -t socks5
    name = "socks5"
    pubkey = " iOiRpafA8/QKVclKZHiRkDSAQv4USkuS5qFJWOT/wk="
    remote = "socks5"
    # works like ssh -R
    # to generate this, run: ./portguard gen-cli -c config.toml -o rclient -s 1 -t
    name = "rclient"
    pubkey = "kJqUC1fRRD9DW24zBmOkEKdEIX/EoSjfMeLxw2QvETI="
    hash = "6jgZoM/RyNHG7QxzLwcij32RjFYHGOGIsUBGG9n9ah8="
    remote = ["", 1]
    # in order to connect port exposed by ssh -R
    # to generate this, run: ./portguard gen-cli -c config.toml -o rvisitor -s 1
    name = "rvisitor"
    pubkey = "t Zb pfnQ3aIaJZfz0wnnjrUNcW4t8HPzOYf7gEhURc="
    remote = 1
    # works like ssh (-R   -D)
    # to generate this, run: ./portguard gen-cli -c config.toml -o rclient -s 2 -t socks5
    name = "rclient_socks5"
    pubkey = "DHfFF3G KFMHZjEiUwmTEo5 C2WZCtN M0rirkgX/2c="
    hash = "I4Ws fmbuYEVc zux8IqreY02EPw5KFuOx/hLDirH5s="
    remote = ["socks5", 2]
    # same as "rvisitor"
    name = "rvisitor_socks5"
    pubkey = "vmdp x5bhUkZKA3SGqA5Gv VX8/XfutzrAfGxk Q3zo="
    remote = 2
  4. Run portguard server -c config.toml on server side.

  5. Run generated binary on client side without any configs (local port or server address can be customized with portguard client -p port -s saddr:sport if you like).


  • (since v0.3.1) When generating clients, use pgcli as input file to reduce file size (size of client is about 2MB).
  • Can compress generated clients using upx, but the builtin config of client after compressed is unchangeable (700kB after compressed).


  • I'm not familar with Noise protocol, now in my code every connection between client and server needs to handshake (except reverse proxy mode). Now I think it is a feature
  • Set remote address per client
  • Benchmark
  • Improve performance
  • When will a connection be closed? Put it in logs
  • Test
  • UDP ?
  • server config hot reloading



  • add aarch64-linux-android support (both binary and JNI lib, tested on my own phone).
  • add a new subcommand clone-cli to clone existing clients to other platform with built-in config unchanged.
  • better error handling for ssh -R server.
  • localhost-iperf-benchmark


  • before starting proxying, server will check filehash of reverse proxy client.
  • add a minimal client-only binary named pgcli for reducing file size in client side.
  • add a new subcommand mod-cli to re-generate existing client's keypair.
  • change default listening port of client to 8022


  • --reverse arguments is removed for client because role of client can be detected automatically.
  • clients in server config are now represented as set rather than map.


  • add ssh -R feature using yamux (It just works, recommend to use existing projects like frp or rathole with -L mode)
  • add ssh -R ssh -D feature (socks5 reverse proxy)
  • more tests needed


  • add x86_64-apple-darwin support (not tested)
  • regularize section name
  • server can generate client for any platform (windows, linux, macos)
  • client can derive its public key using list-key subcommand


  • add ssh -D feature with a built-in SOCKS5 server
  • can overwrite config of existing client


  • basic ssh -L feature


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