- Added dissociation frame to DEAUTH attack [@anakin1028]
- RSSI output fix [@anakin1028]
- Code quality fixes. [@blackHatMonkey]
- Introduced MAC address randomization [@anakin1028]
- Refactoring of interface management module [@blackHatMonkey]
- Introduced tox. [@blackHatMonkey]
- Added support for providing Internet to victim users via a wireless interface [@anakin1028]
- Tool now kills any interfering processes on startup [@anakin1028]
- Use curses everywhere for TUI [@anakin1028]
- Show the encryption type during AP discovery. [@sophron]
- Introduced Wifiphisher Extensions [@sophron]
- Introduced roguehostapd, a patched version of hostapd. [@anakin1028]
- Introduced WPA/WPA2 captured passphrase validation. [@anakin1028]
- Added WPS info during AP discovery. [@anakin1028]
- Added the option to perform DEAUTH attack based on ESSID [@anakin1028]
- Added operation moded [@sophron]
- Increased performance of modules [@blackHatMonkey]
- Made the tool run with only one physical interface [@anakin1028]
- Introduced --logging option [@blackHatMonkey]
- Introduced channel monitoring to check if target AP switches channel [@anakin1028]
- Introduced Known Beacons attack [@sophron]
- Introduced WPS PBC phishing attack [@anakin1028]