Thank you for using this tool so far. Unfortunately I have no time maintaining it, but I believe people can find a better alternative out there on
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sfz, or Static File Zerver, is a simple command-line tool serving static files for you.
The name sfz is derived from an accented note Sforzando in music, which means “suddenly with force.”
- Directory listing
- Partial responses (range requests)
- Conditional requests with cache validations
- Cross-origin resource sharing
- Automatic HTTP compression (Brotli, Gzip, Deflate)
- Automatic rendering
- Respect
file - Customize path prefix
If you are a macOS Homebrew user, you can install sfz from a custom tap:
brew tap weihanglo/sfz
brew install sfz
Disclaimer: Formula on Linuxbrew did not fully tested.
If you are a Rust programmer, sfz are available on via Cargo.
cargo install sfz
You can also install the latest version (or a specific commit) of sfz directly from GitHub.
cargo install --git
Archives of prebuilt binaries are available on GitHub Release for Linux, maxOS and Windows. Download a compatible binary for your system. For convenience, make sure you place sfz under $PATH if you want access it from the command line.
sfz is written in Rust. You need to install Rust in order to compile it.
$ git clone
$ cd sfz
$ cargo build --release
$ ./target/release/sfz --version
The simplest way to start serving files is to run this command:
sfz [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [path]
The command above will start serving your current working directory on
by default.
If you want to serve another directory, pass [path]
positional argument in with either absolute or relaitve path.
sfz /usr/local
# Serve files under `/usr/local` directory.
# You can press ctrl-c to exit immediately.
sfz aims to be simple but configurable. Here is a list of available options:
sfz [OPTIONS] [path]
<path> Path to a directory for serving files [default: .]
-a, --all Serve hidden and dot (.) files
-b, --bind <address> Specify bind address [default:]
-c, --cache <seconds> Specify max-age of HTTP caching in seconds [default: 0]
-C, --cors Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing from any origin (*)
--coi Enable Cross-Origin isolation
-h, --help Print help information
-I, --no-ignore Don't respect gitignore file
-L, --follow-links Follow symlinks outside current serving base path
--no-log Don't log any request/response information.
-p, --port <port> Specify port to listen on [default: 5000]
--path-prefix <path> Specify an url path prefix, helpful when running behing a reverse
-r, --render-index Render existing index.html when requesting a directory.
-V, --version Print version information
-Z, --unzipped Disable HTTP compression
Contributions are highly appreciated! Feel free to open issues or send pull requests directly.
sfz was originally inspired by another static serving tool serve, and sfz's directory-listing UI is mainly borrowed from GitHub.
sfz is built on the top of awesome Rust community. Thanks for all Rust and crates contributors.
This project is licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or
at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in sfz by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.