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Yipt: Yipt is PDF Template

Yipt is a YAML based template engine generates PDF document.

Yipt uses PDFKit for PDF generation and JSONata for template variables.


npm i yipt



yipt [options] <template> [output]


-p, --prams <file>
A json or yaml file includes template variables.


Path to template file.
Path to output file. STDOUT will be used when "-" is supplied or ommitted.


yipt -p params.yml my-template.yml out.pdf

in JavaScript or TypeScript

import yipt from "yipt";
import * as PDFKit from "pdfkit";

const doc = new PDFKit();
const templateVariables = { foo: "template variables" };

yipt.render(doc, "/path/to/template.yml", templateVariables);
// yipt.render returns Promise<void>

It's also possible to create new Yipt instance.

import { Yipt } from "yipt";

const yipt = new Yipt();

Variable evaluation

Yipt supports template variables. Many of parameters in template are evaluated with template variables using JSONata.

Values in template other than text value such as content property of TextElement, are evaluated as a JSONata expression. Of course, you can also specify raw values instead of JSONata expressions for properties. Types of properties documented in this doc, are types of evaluated value.

On the other hand, in text, JSONata expression is wrapped with "{" and "}". For escape "\" is available.



  version: "1.0"
    - type: text
      top: myVariableForTop
      left: myObject.left
      content: This text placed on (myObject.left, myVariableForTop).


  myVariableForTop: 10,
  myObject: { left: 20 },

Then, "This text placed on (myObject.left, myVariableForTop)." is rendered at (20, 10).


  version: "1.0"
    - |
    Hello {}! You can also use JSONata expression a   1 = {a   1}.
    \{but this never evaluted} because \{ is escaped.
    Then "\\\{" and "\\\\" is rendered as "\{" and "\\".


  foo: { bar: "world" },
  a: 2


    Hello world! You can also use JSONata expression a   1 = 3.
    {but this never evaluted} because { is escaped.
    Then "\{" and "\\" is rendered as "{" and "\".



Yipt template is a YAML file whose root object has yipt property, which is a Yipt object. And Yipt object has content property, which is an array of Element object or string. If element of content is a string, it is treated as TextElement.

Yipt renders Elements in order of array.

Element object is one of:

Element name Description
TextElement Renders text.
ImageElement Renders JPEG/PNG image.
VectorElement Renders vector graphics.
FontElement Setup font for text.
PageBreakElement Insert page break.
BlockElement Groups elements and control offset.
CaseElement Logical flow control in similar way to SQL's CASE syntax.
ForeachElement Loop flow control.


Yipt Object

Property Type Description
version string fixed "1.0". Version of template format.
content Content[] List of content.

Content is one of Element or string.


Property Type Description
content string The text to print with variable reference.
top number The position in y axis.
left number The position in x axis.
options TextOptions Options for text rendering.

See Text in PDFKit for more detail.


Property Type Description
src string Path to image(JPEG/PNG) file.
top number The position in y axis.
left number The position in x axis.
options ImageOptions Options for text rendering.

See Images in PDFKit for more detail.


Property Type Description
paths VectorPath[] Ordered array of vector paths.
top number The position in y axis.
left number The position in x axis.
render "stroke" | "fill" | "fillAndStroke" How render the path.
lineWidth number Line width. lineWidth 0 means hair line.
cap "butt" | "round" | "square" Line cap.
join "miter" | "round" | "bevel" Line join.
dash DashParameter Line dash style.
color string Line color. It allows a hex color string, or use any of the named CSS colors.
fillColor string Fill color. It allows a hex color string, or use any of the named CSS colors.
windingRule "even-odd" | "non-zero" Winding rules define how a path is filled.
opacity number Opacity of vector graphic. It value could be 0 to 1.

Type property of VectorPath could be one of:

  • line
  • verticalLine
  • horizontalLine
  • quadraticCurve
  • bezierCurve
  • move
  • rect
  • roundedRect
  • ellipse
  • circle
  • polygon

The first 5 types(lines and curves) use end point of previous path as start point.(this means they connect previous path). Use move for change start point of them if you want. (0, 0) is used as start position if one of them placed in the first of paths array. Please note that end points of the last 5 types(shapes) is undefined.

VectorPath object has additional properties for each types.

doc.y is set to maximum y of graphics after rendering vector.

Property Type Description
to [number, number] Line end point in [x, y].
verticalLine & horizontalLine
Property Type Description
length number Line length.
Property Type Description
to [number, number] Curve end point in [x, y].
anchor [number, number] Anchor point in [x, y].
Property Type Description
to [number, number] Curve end point in [x, y].
anchors [number, number, number, number] Anchor points in [x1, y1, x2, y2].
Property Type Description
to [number, number] Move to [x, y].
Property Type Description
pos [number, number] Position of rectangle in [left, top].
Property Type Description
pos [number, number] Position of rectangle in [left, top].
cornerRadius number Radius of rounded corner.
Property Type Description
center [number, number] Center coordinate in [x, y].
radiusX number Radius of x axis.
radiusY number Radius of y axis.
Property Type Description
center [number, number] Center coordinate in [x, y].
Property Type Description
vertices number[] Coordinates of vertices in [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...]


You can set or register founts using FontElement. Once fount is configured, it affects all text rendering (even where out of BlockElement) until another FontElement configures font.

Property Type Description
size number Set font size.
name string Font name to be used. Standard font name or registered font name.
src string Path to font file for register or temporally use.
family string Font family for TrueType Collection or Datafork TrueType font file. This property is only used with src property.
registerAs string Register font as this value name. This property requires src property.
setOnRegister boolean Whether setting font on register or not. This property is only used with registerAs.
Default is false unless size property is set together.


Property Type Description
options PageOptions Options for new page after page break.

NOTE: PageOptions is never evaluated with variables.

Property Type Description
size [number, number] | string Page size in [width, height] or string such as "A4".
layout "portrait" | "landscape" Page layout. Default is "portrait".
margins Margins Margins of the new page.
margin number Syntax sugar for margins if all margins is the same.
Property Type Description
top number The top margin.
left number The left margin.
bottom number The bottom margin.
right number The right margin.


Property Type Description
top number Top position of the block.
left number Left position of the block.
content Content[] List of content.


Property Type Description
conditions CaseCondition[] Ordered list of conditions.
else Content This content will be rendered when any conditions isn't satisfied.
Property Type Description
when boolean The condition to be satisfied. Usually this is JSONata condition expression.
content Content This content will be rendered if condition is satisfied.


Property Type Description
items any[] Items to be iterate.
content Content This will be rendered foreach loop.

In the loop, special variables are available.

Loop variables
Accessor Type Description
$foreach Foreach Current loop.
$ number Total number of loop items.
$foreach.index number Current item index.
$foreach.count number The loop count.
$foreach.item any Current item.
$loops Foreach[] $loops[0] is the same as $foreach. $loops[1] is one outer loop.


You can see example in tests directory.