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What is it?

Vector similarity search is powerful because it allows us to find results based on conceptual meaning rather than just shared keywords, e.g. searching "advantages of walking for health" in a keyword-based search would mainly focus on matching the keywords "advantages", "walking" and "health", whereas using vector similarity search would return articles which use other related terms such as "benefits", "active", "physical activity".

This is a Wasp template for generating embeddings and performing vector similarity search for your own text data. Wasp is the quickest way to build severful fullstack apps.

This Wasp template uses:

How does it work?

  1. Documents (e.g. docx, pdf, txt, md) are first parsed into text
  2. Text is then split into "chunks" based on a specified chunk size, e.g. 300 tokens per chunk. Tokens are peices of a word, which the embedding algorithm uses to process text. More info here
  3. Each chunk is then sent to the OpenAI API to generate an embedding. "An embedding is a vector (list) of floating point numbers. The distance between two vectors measures their relatedness. Small distances suggest high relatedness and large distances suggest low relatedness." - OpenAI.
  4. The embeddings are then stored in a vector database (Pinecone) and their IDs are stored in a Postgres database along with the original text chunk.
  5. When a user searches for a query, the query is also first embedded. The embeddings are then compared against those in the Vector DB using cosine similarity (see ./src/server/searchEmbeddings) to find the most similar embeddings to the query. The IDs of the most similar embeddings are then used to retrieve the original text chunks from the Postgres database and displayed to the user.

How to get started?

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of Wasp installed by running curl -sSL | sh in your terminal.
  2. Run wasp new <project-name> -t embeddings to create a new app using this template.
  3. Rename the env.server.example file to .env.server and fill in your API keys
  4. Make sure you have a Database connected and running. Here are two quick options:
  • run wasp start db once you have Docker Deskop installed and running. This will start and connect to a Postgres database for you. No need to do anything else! 🤯
  • or provision a Postgres database on Railway, go to settings and copy the connection url. Paste it as DATABASE_URL=<your-postgres-connection-url> into your env.server file.
  1. Run wasp db migrate-dev to initialize the database.
  2. Run wasp start. This will install all dependencies and start the client and server for you :)
  3. Go to localhost:3000 in your browser (your NodeJS server will be running on port 3001). The client will be running with a notice that no embeddings have been generated yet.
  4. Run wasp db seed to generate embeddings from the text files within src/shared/docs (you can add your own files here) and seed the databases via the generateEmbeddings action.
  5. Run wasp db studio to see the data in your Postgres database.
  6. Install the Wasp extension for VSCode to get the best DX
  7. Check the files for comments containing specific instructions