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@ffactorygo @fireflygo @obity @flylog

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Hi 👋 My self introduction

wandercn logo

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on Go Rust.
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning C Rust.
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open source projects.
  • 🤔 I’m looking for help with developing a web framework.
  • 💬 Ask me about: How to build your own domain name e-mail system.
  • 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
  • 😄 Pronouns: Chives who lost money in the stock market. Logic programmers, a fate that most programmers cannot escape.
  • ⚡ Fun fact: Young people have to think about how to get rich, don't manage money because you have too little capital.



  • 💧 fmusic - fmusic is a open source music player on SwiftUI
  • 💧 flac_music - Music player based on druid GUI
  • 💧 HiPoster - HiPoster is a simple and efficient http API testing client tool. Based on Wails, Go and sveltejs.
  • 💧 Hotbuild - Hotbuild is a cross platform hot compilation tool for Go, Rust.
  • 💧 Obity/mux - Mux is a simple and efficient route distributor that supports the net/http interface of the standard library.
  • 💧 Go-ide-vim.conf - My vim conf for golang IDE and rust IDE.
  • 💧 Properties - Properties is a Go library for reading and writing properties files.
  • 💧 Pretree - Pretree is a package for storing and querying routing rules with prefix tree.
  • 💧 Colorstyle - ColorStyle is a library of styles for command-line text write in Rust.
  • 💧 Flylog - Flylog is a simple and fast development log module. it is developing...
  • 💧 Gostd - Gostd is the golang standard library implementation in rust-lang.
  • 💧 alibaba-cloud-sdk-rust - alibaba-cloud-sdk-rust 阿里云短信rust sdk .
  • 💧 gostd_settings - gostd_settings is library for reading and writing properties files.
  • 💧 alipay_sdk_rust - alipay_sdk_rust is alipay sdk in rust 支付宝支付rust sdk.

Pinned Loading

  1. alipay_sdk_cj alipay_sdk_cj Public

    AliPay Sdk for 仓颉

  2. jsonmap jsonmap Public

    JsonMap for store values of multiple types value in one Map.

    Rust 1

  3. fmusic fmusic Public

    fmusic is a open source music player on SwiftUI

    Swift 22 1

  4. gostd gostd Public

    Gostd is the golang standard library implementation in rust-lang.

    Rust 39 9

  5. alipay_sdk_rust alipay_sdk_rust Public


    Rust 24 3

  6. hotbuild hotbuild Public

    a cross platform hot compilation tool for golang

    Go 220 36