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Code Generator for Java and C, making it easier to use Java Panama and Graal Native Image


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Panama Native Interface

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A way of using Project Panama that is completely different from using jextract.

The jextract parses C code and generates Java code, while Panama Native Interface reads Java byte code and generates C code as well as user-friendly and native-friendly Java code.
This approach is similar to how JNI(Java Native Interface) works, so this project is named as PNI(Panama Native Interface).

Panama Native Interface also allows you to directly invoke functions based on symbols without generating any wrapper function, which is one of the purposes of Project Panama.

Real World Examples

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  • vproxy: LoadBalancer and virtual networking on Java, migrated from the old JNI to PNI, using the JNI-style C functions.
  • luajn: A Lua/C/Java binding, built upon PNI, using the Critical style C functions.
  • msquic-java: MsQuic for Java, built upon PNI, heavily uses Struct(skip=true).
  • vpxdp: A bunch of easy-to-use AF_XDP and eBPF related apis. It provides a Java binding, which doesn't use any wrapper function.

Why using Panama Native Interface instead of jextract

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The jextract tool can automatically generate Java types from C headers. This seems great at first, you can create structs and call functions in Java just like writing C code.

However, when you apply it to your project, you will find that the generated code is so long and so complicated, and contains so much symbols you would never use. Well, this is just the beginning of a nightmare.

Things start to go messy when a C library provides its APIs through macros or static inline functions. These information will not preserve after compiling, and you will not be able to call them because they just don't exist.[1]
Using macros or static inline functions to define user friendly APIs, is very common in the C world.[2]

It would be much messier when you are trying to adapt to a cross platform library, or a bunch of different versions of libraries of the same origin.
In this situation, you will have to ask jextract to generate code for each version, and you will have to write adaptors for all versions because these generated types are different.[3]

After all, C libraries are written for C users. The users are happy as long as the code compiles with a C compiler.[4]

Yes, the real world is much more complex than a simple poc.

So why not take the opposite direction. Let's put the dirty work in the C world and let the C compiler take care of things for us, and let's provide a group of clean and nice APIs for Java.
Since the APIs are specifically made for Java, why not just put the definitions on the Java side.

Oh, wait, doesn't that sound familiar? This is exactly the Java Native Interface approach.
Let's take one more step further. We define not only methods(functions) in Java, but also structs and unions, and we use Project Panama as the base.

The Panama Native Interface helps you deal with all the dirty work mentioned above.
You can not only define types/functions in Java, but also bring pre-defined type/function into Java.

[1]: For example, a very common variable: errno is defined using macro, actually you are calling a function. The macro is platform specific, but errno is cross platform.
[2]: For example, in Lua, a lot of documented APIs are defined using macros.
[3]: For example, the msquic supports multiple platforms, each platform has some specific typedefs.
[4]: For example, the Lua 5.1-5.4 exposes their APIs in different ways, however if you are writing C you are likely to compile properly across all platforms (only a few deprecated functions need to be modified).
BTW, jextract cannot handle some commonly used syntax for now (2023-09-24), e.g. align or packed attributes, bit fields, ...

How to build

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1. Install JDKs

You need at least JDK 21 to build the project.

If you are using JDK 21, the building system will add --enable-preview compiler option, and include the 21 source root.
Otherwise there will be no --enable-preview and will include the 22 source root.

2. Configure Environment Variables

  • Configure JAVA_HOME to your JDK >= 21.
  • Configure PATH to make sure javac points to JDK >= 21

If you are using Windows, it's recommended to use MinGW UCRT64 to work with this project.

  • Configure MINGW_BASH to the path to bash.exe in your MinGW directory, usually it's C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe
  • If you need to build Graal native-image on Windows, you will need to install Visual Studio 2022, and at least install the following components:
    • MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C x64/x86 生成工具(最新)
    • Windows 通用 CRT SDK
    • Windows 通用 C 运行时
    • Windows 10 SDK (10.0.20348.0)

After configuring the environment variables, you might need to restart your terminal/ide, and stop current Gradle daemons using ./gradlew --stop

3. Install GCC

You will need GCC to compile with the generated headers. Any GCC that supports gnu99 or c11 should be fine.

4. Build

./gradlew clean shadowJar

You will find an executable jar in build/libs/pni.jar

java -jar build/libs/pni.jar -version
java -jar build/libs/pni.jar -help

You can make a native-image for pni.jar

./gradlew clean nativeImage

./ --help

You will need GraalVM, whose version corresponds to your JDK, to make the native-image.

5. Sample

There's a sample program, which is an http server listening on :80.

./gradlew clean runSample


To run the native image:

./gradlew clean runSampleNativeImage

You will need GraalVM, whose version corresponds to your JDK, to make the native-image.

6. Test

./gradlew clean runAcceptanceTest
./gradlew clean runUnitTest
# for native image tests:
./gradlew clean runGraalTest

How to bundle into a Gradle project

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It's recommended to use Gradle as the building system, otherwise you will have to manually generate files using the pni command line tool.

Here's the tutorial for Gradle:

  1. Configure your building environment
  2. Choose a pni version to use
  3. Add a new source root for generated java classes
  4. Create folders for C files
  5. Add pni-api dependency to your project
  6. Add a Gradle subproject for template classes
  7. Add pni-api dependency to the subproject
  8. Add a Gradle task to run the code generator
  9. Add -parameters compiler argument
  10. Write template classes
  11. Generate
  12. Implement functions in C
  13. Compile
  14. Load the shared library in Java

1. Configure your building environment

Please follow the steps in chapter How to build. Installing JDKs, configuring environment variables, installing compiling tools, etc.
If you are able to run the sample program, then you are ready to go!

You will need to make sure you Gradle can work with your JDK, e.g. JDK 21==Gradle 8.3, or JDK 22==Gradle 8.8, etc.
Check and modify distributionUrl in gradle/wrapper/ properly.

In your build.gradle, add the following snippet:

allprojects {
    apply plugin: 'java'

    java {
        sourceCompatibility = '21' // corresponds to your jdk version
        targetCompatibility = '21' // corresponds to your jdk version

    tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
        options.compilerArgs  = '--enable-preview' // remove this line if you are using jdk >= 22
    tasks.withType(JavaExec) {
        jvmArgs  = '--enable-preview' // remove this line if you are using jdk >= 22
        jvmArgs  = '--enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED'
    tasks.withType(Test) {
        jvmArgs  = '--enable-preview' // remove this line if you are using jdk >= 22
        jvmArgs  = '--enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED'

    repositories {

This tells Gradle to build all projects (including subprojects) with specific JDK version and optionally adding --enable-preview compiler option, and also specifies the maven repositories for all projects.

2. Choose a pni version to use

The latest Panama Native Interface version is, if you are using JDK >= 22, you should switch to
The version will appear multiple times in build.gradle, so you can define a variable at the beginning of the file:

buildscript {
    def PNI_VERSION = '' // use if you are using jdk >= 22

    // more configuration later ...

plugins {
    // ...


The buildscript block will be used later.

3. Add a new source root for generated java classes

It's recommended to separate generated files and handwritten files, so you may need a new source root:

sourceSets {
    main {
        java {
            srcDirs = ['src/main/java', 'src/main/generated']

Now the project has two folders for java source files: java and generated.
You will still need to create the folders manually:

mkdir -p src/main/java
mkdir -p src/main/generated

4. Create folders for C files

Create a directory src/main/c to store handwritten C files and src/main/c-generated to store generated C files.

mkdir -p src/main/c
mkdir -p src/main/c-generated

5. Add pni-api dependency to your project

dependencies {
    implementation "io.vproxy:pni-api-jdk21:" PNI_VERSION
    // if you are using jdk >= 22, you should switch to the following line:
    // implementation "io.vproxy:pni-api-jdk22:" PNI_VERSION

This module contains necessary classes for Panama Native Interface to work, and also contains useful classes for you to interact with the native world.

6. Add a Gradle subproject for template classes

The subproject is used to hold template classes, you may name it as pni-template.
If you want to use a different subproject name, make sure you change all names accordingly during this tutorial.

If you are using IDEA, it's easy to create a subproject simply by adding a new module.
Otherwise, you may have to edit settings.gradle and create subproject folders manually.

You may refer to the following bash script to create the subproject:

set -e
set -x


echo "include '$SUBPROJECT'" >> ./settings.gradle
mkdir -p "./$SUBPROJECT/src/main/java"
echo 'compileJava {}' > "./$SUBPROJECT/build.gradle"

tee -a ./build.gradle <<EOF
project(":$SUBPROJECT") {

7. Add pni-api dependency to the subproject

dependencies {
    implementation "io.vproxy:pni-api-jdk21:" PNI_VERSION
    // if you are using jdk >= 22, you should switch to the following line:
    // implementation "io.vproxy:pni-api-jdk22:" PNI_VERSION

The template classes also require access to types in the pni-api module.

You can add it to the build.gradle inside the subproject folder, or you can add it in the root build.gradle just like this:

project(':pni-template') {
    // ...

    dependencies { /* ... */ }

8. Add a Gradle task to run the code generator

At the beginning of the build.gradle file, insert the following code snippet into the buildscript block:

buildscript {
    // ...

    dependencies {
        classpath group: 'io.vproxy', name: 'pni-exec', version: PNI_VERSION

This snippet adds the code generator into classpath of the Gradle building system, so that you can directly invoke the generator in build.gradle.

Add the following task inside the subproject:

task pniGenerate() {
    dependsOn compileJava

    def workingDir = project.rootProject.rootDir.getAbsolutePath()
    def gen = new io.vproxy.pni.exec.Generator(
        new io.vproxy.pni.exec.CompilerOptions()
            .setClasspath(List.of(workingDir   '/pni-template/build/classes/java/main'))
            .setJavaOutputBaseDirectory(workingDir   '/src/main/generated')
            .setCOutputDirectory(workingDir   '/src/main/c-generated')

    doLast {

You can add it to the build.gradle inside the subproject folder, or you can add it in the root build.gradle just like this:

project(':pni-template') {
    task pniGenerate() { /* ... */ }

9. Add -parameters compiler argument

In order to retrieve parameter names from Java byte code, the -parameters compiler argument should be added explicitly.

Add the following code snippet inside project pni-template:

compileJava {
    options.compilerArgs  = '-parameters'

10. Write template classes

Write template classes in project pni-template. See the below section How to use.

11. Generate

./gradlew clean pniGenerate

Then you will find generated C files in src/main/c-generated and generated Java classes in src/main/generated

12. Implement functions in C

Go to src/main/c, write C implementation here.

13. Compile

To compile the C files, you will need pni.h and jni.h in your include search path (-I option), and normally you will need to compile with pni.c.

It's recommended to use the following compiler flags to release these files:

  • -frelease-pni-h-file[=<output-directory>]
  • -frelease-pni-c-file[=<output-directory>]
  • -frelease-jni-h-mock-file[=<output-directory>]

or programmatically:

new CompilerOptions()
    .setCompilationFlag(CompilationFlag.RELEASE_PNI_H_FILE /* , new File(...) */)
    .setCompilationFlag(CompilationFlag.RELEASE_PNI_C_FILE /* , new File(...) */)
    .setCompilationFlag(CompilationFlag.RELEASE_JNI_H_MOCK_FILE /* , new File(...) */)

The output-directory defaults to the c output directory (-h option).

Or you can include these files manually:

You can find pni.h here.
and you can use the mocked jni.h here, or you can add "$JAVA_HOME/include" and "$JAVA_HOME/include/$your_platform" in your include search path instead, which is the traditional way when using JNI.

Normally you will need to add pni.c to the c file list and compile it into you library.
You could also build pni.c into a standalone library|libpni.dylib|pni.dll, and call PanamaUtils.loadLib() before loading your own library.

You may refer to for more info.

Note: the pni.c is not always required. You can forget about it as long as you do not use PNIRef and PNIFunc.

14. Load the shared library in Java

The shared library should be loaded in Java before any native capability is used:


The shared library file must be placed in -Djava.library.path for Java to load.

How to use

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1. Dependency


dependencies {
    implementation "io.vproxy:pni-api-jdk21:"
    // if you are using jdk >= 22, you should switch to the following line:
    implementation "io.vproxy:pni-api-jdk22:"


    <!-- if you are using jdk >= 22, you should switch to the following lines: -->
    <!-- <artifactId>pni-api-jdk22</artifactId> -->
    <!-- <version></version> -->

2. Define template classes

For performance concern, simple POJOs are not directly converted to/from their native representations,
but users can define template POJO classes, and then automatically generate both user-friendly and native-friendly Java classes.

You may define all template classes inside one single Java file, they don't have to be public.

abstract class MBuf {        // typedef struct mbuf_t {
    MemorySegment bufAddr;   //     void*    bufAddr;
    @Unsigned int pktLen;    //     uint32_t pktLen;
    @Unsigned int pktOff;    //     uint32_t pktOff;
    @Unsigned int bufLen;    //     uint32_t bufLen;
    UserData userdata;       //     union {
                             //         void*  userdata;
                             //         uint64 udata64;
                             //     };
}                            // } mbuf_t;

@Union(embedded = true)
abstract class UserData {
    MemorySegment userdata;
    @Unsigned long udata64;

interface SampleFunctions {
    int read(int fd, MBuf buf) throws IOException;
        // int Java_package_name_SampleFunctions_read(PNIEnv_int * env, int32_t fd, mbuf_t * buf);

3. Add methods to template classes

Methods defined in template classes will also automatically result in methods in Java and functions in C.

Their return types or parameters should be pre-supported types or user defined template classes.

You can add throws list to the method if the native code is expected to raise exceptions.

It's recommended to define methods in template classes as abstract.

4. Generate Java and C code

java -jar pni.jar \
    -cp 'path1:path2:jar3' \
    -d java_output_base_directory \
    -h c_headers_output_directory
 // -frelease-pni-h-file -frelease-pni-c-file -frelease-jni-h-mock-file
 // see -verbose --help for more info

The pni program will scan all classes in classpath then generate Java and C codes.

The generated Java types will share the same package as the template ones,
the generated C headers will have almost the same format as JNI output, see the following section for more details.

If you have multiple projects, let's say project A and project B, where template files of B depends on template files of A, you can add both projects' classpath to -cp, and specify -F <regexp> to filter which class needs to be generated.
The regexp matches the full name of the generated Java class, for example io\.vproxy\.luajn\.n\..*.

Some compilation flags can be provided via -f<flag-name>[=<value>]. See -verbose --help for more info.

You may also use the Generator class programmatically to achieve the same effect as using the command line tool.
You may refer to: chapter How to bundle into a Gradle project, section Add a Gradle task to run the code generator.

5. Write native implementation

if @Style is NOT annotated or is @Style(pni): (JNI-like Style Function)

  1. take an argument PNIEnv* env as the first argument, but with different type variations based on the result type;
  2. return int where 0 means OK and any other value (usually -1) means an exception is thrown;
  3. the actual result should be stored in env->return_ field;

For example:

JNIEXPORT int JNICALL Java_io_vproxy_vfd_posix_GeneralPosix_createIPv4TcpFD
  (PNIEnv_int* env) {
    int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (sockfd < 0) {
        return PNIThrowException(env, "", strerror(errno));
    env->return_ = sockfd;
    return 0;

If you need to pass errno to Java, you can call PNIStoreErrno(env). You can retrieve it from env.ex().errno() in Java.

If @Style(critical) is annotated: (JavaCritical Style Function)

  1. There will be no PNIEnv argument.
  2. Directly return values.
  3. Since the PNIEnv is absent, you will NOT be able to use any functionality associated with it, e.g. throwing exceptions from the native function.

For example:

JNIEXPORT int32_t JNICALL JavaCritical_io_vproxy_pni_test_Func_writeCritical
  (int32_t fd, void * buf, int32_t off, int32_t len) {
    int n = write(fd, buf   off, len);
    if (n < 0) {
        return -errno;
    return n;

If the Java method is defined inside a class, then the generated C function will have an extra parameter right after PNIEnv, providing the self pointer. For Critical style functions, self will be the first parameter.

If the method's return type requires memory allocation, the generated C function accepts one more parameter, as the memory address of that object. You should set env->return_ = the_extra_variable if you need to return the value, or env->return_ = NULL if you want to return NULL. For Critical style functions, you can simply return the extra variable or return NULL.
By setting @NoAlloc annotation on the method, the generated C function will not have the extra parameter. Please see chapter Annotations for more detail.

Sometimes you may want to directly invoke a function of a shared library, Panama Native Interface also supports this usage.
You will need to add @Name("...") on your template method, and make sure the generated function has exactly the same signature of the function you want to call.

Note: in this scenario, you will not need the generated C functions when compiling, but it's good for checking whether you've configured you template classes/methods properly.

For example:

Template class:

abstract class PNIXskInfo {
    // struct fields could be defined here ...

    abstract int fetchPacket(@Raw @Unsigned int[] idxRxPtr, @Raw MemorySegment[] chunkPtrs);

The vp_xdp_fetch_pkt corresponds to the following C function:

int vp_xdp_fetch_pkt(struct vp_xsk_info* xsk, uint32_t* idx_rx_ptr, struct vp_chunk_info** chunkptr);

Please see chapter Annotations for more info.

6. Use generated Java types

All generated Java classes have getters for all fields, and setters for all non-embedded fields (struct/union/array), as well as methods defined in the templates.
Template interfaces will generated singleton classes.
All generated classes do NOT have dependencies on the template classes/interfaces.

The generated Java types have almost the same names of their templates.
You can customize name prefix of template or generated types using -ftype-name-prefix="..." or setCompilationFlag(TYPE_NAME_PREFIX, "..."). If the template types have the specified prefix, then the generated types will discard the prefix. If template types do not have the prefix, then the generated types will prepend the prefix. By setting -ftype-name-prefix='' or setCompilationFlag(TYPE_NAME_PREFIX, ""), there will be no prefix discarded or prepended, i.e. generated types will have exactly the same names as the template ones.

If the method's return type requires memory allocation, an extra parameter Allocator ALLOCATOR will be added to the last of the arguments list.
You can release the memory by closing the allocator.

It's recommended to use PooledAllocator.ofPooled() or PooledAllocator.ofConcurrentPooled() whenever possible. You could also use PooledAllocator.ofUnsafePooled() if really needed.
You can define your own memory pool via PooledAllocator.setXxxProvider(...).

The default behavior for Pooled allocators when custom allocator is not present, is the same as Confined allocators.
The default behavior for ConcurrentPooled allocators is the same as Shared allocators.

7. Graal Native Image

Please see the below sections: Graal Native Image and Graal Native Image Upcall.

Type Inheritance

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Panama Native Interface supports inheritance. You can use Java extends keyword in template classes.
Only a struct can extend from another struct.
unions are not allowed to inherit nor to be inherited.
For example:

abstract class BaseClass {
    byte a;

abstract class ChildClass extends BaseClass {
    short x;

abstract class GrandChildClass extends ChildClass {
    long y;

The memory layout of ChildClass would be:

struct ChildClass {
    BaseClass SUPER;
    short x;

So basically what the code generator does is to insert the parent struct before the first field.
Supporting inheritance can make use of Java's object oriented type system, while composition cannot achieve this.

Graal Native Image

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GraalVM supports building native image with Panama support.

You can add a flag to the pni program to generate a Feature implmentation, which is required by the native image generation process.

java -jar pni.jar <...> -fgraal-native-image-feature=<feature-class-name>
# you might also want to add argument -fgraal-c-entrypoint-literal-upcall, see the below section for more info

or programmatically:

new CompilerOptions()
    .setCompilationFlag(io.vproxy.pni.exec.CompilationFlag.GRAAL_NATIVE_IMAGE_FEATURE, "$featureClassName")
 // you migh also want to add the flag:
 // .setCompilationFlag(io.vproxy.pni.exec.CompilationFlag.GRAAL_C_ENTRYPOINT_LITERAL_UPCALL)
 // see the below section for more info

To compile your project with the Feature class, you should use GraalVM instead of a traditional JDK, or:
You could also use the native image sdk: org.graalvm.sdk:nativeimage: instead of changing the JDK.

Another (maybe better) way of managing the dependencies is to use the mock version graal sdk:

  • for compiling, add dependency compileOnly 'io.vproxy:graal-sdk-mock-nativeimage: '
  • for running, add dependency runtimeOnly 'io.vproxy:graal-sdk-mock-runtime: '

The mock libraries provides all necessary types and members for Panama Native Interface generated graal related classes.
Detailed information can be found in the repo.

Adding extra dependencies:


dependencies {
    // ...

    implementation "io.vproxy:pni-api-graal:"
    // if you are using jdk >= 22, you should switch to the following line:
    // implementation "io.vproxy:pni-api-graal-jdk22:"

    compileOnly "io.vproxy:graal-sdk-mock-nativeimage:1.2.1"
    runtimeOnly "io.vproxy:graal-sdk-mock-runtime:1.2.1"


    <!-- ... -->

        // if you are using jdk >= 22, you should switch to the following line:
        <!-- <artifactId>pni-api-graal-jdk22</artifactId> -->
        <!-- <version></version> -->

Please pay additional attention when using the native-image:

  1. You can check whether the code is running in Graal native-image or in a normal JRE by ImageInfoDelegate.inImageCode()
  2. GraalUtils.init() must be called at the beginning of your application.
  3. GraalUtils.setThread() must be called when a new thread is spawn. This method can be safely called for multiple times, which is useful if you are using a thread pool and don't know whether the thread is initialized.
  4. When compiling the C code, an additional compiler option -DPNI_GRAAL=1 must be added, which will enable Graal related functions. Note that some PNI functions are defined using static inline, so you must compile all related files with PNI_GRAAL=1.

Graal Native Image Upcall

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As for now (2024-08-10) the graal native-image only supports Panama upcall on Linux x86_64. But Panama Native Interface provides the upcall support based on Graal C native features:
Add compilation flag -fgraal-c-entrypoint-literal-upcall on the command line, or call .setCompilationFlag(CompilationFlag.GRAAL_C_ENTRYPOINT_LITERAL_UPCALL) programmatically to enable this feature.

Note that the native-image CEntryPoint upcall performance is much slower comparing to the Panama upcall.

To build the native image, you may use the following command:

native-image -jar <jar-file> \
             --features=<feature-class-name> \
             --enable-preview \
             --enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED \
             --no-fallback \
             -O3 -march=native \
             -o <binary-name>

See sampleNativeImage task in build.gradle for more info.

Extra attention:

If the upcall happens on a non java thread, SetPNIGraalThread(isolate_thread) must be called before the upcall inside the C code. To create an IsolateThread in the C code, you can firstly use GetPNIGraalIsolate() to retrieve the Isolate object for the currently running native-image, and then use graal_attach_thread(isolate, &isolate_thread) to attach current thread and create the IsolateThread object.

See this page for more info.

If the thread in created on the Java side, you should call GraalUtils.setThread() (as suggested in the previous chapter) before interacting with the native world.

Call Java from C

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Panama provides a way for C to invoke Java methods. Panama Native Interface provides multiple ways to simplify this process.

  • @Upcall template interface
  • PanamaUtils.defineCFunction
  • CallSite and PNIFunc
  • PNIRef

@Upcall template interface

You can use @Upcall template interfaces to generate upcall functions.

The pni program will generate the following files:

  • a .h file, containing the function declarations
  • a .c file, containing the function definitions, which calls the Panama upcall stub function pointer
  • a Java class, containing static fields of function memory addresses (MemorySegment)
  • a Java interface, defining the method signature for you to implement

You must call TheGeneratedClass.setImpl(yourImpl) before using these upcall functions, otherwise the program will print an error message and exit when the functions get called.


You can use PanamaUtils.defineCFunction or PanamaUtils.defineCFunctionByName to define C functions easily.

  1. Store an Arena globally, which is used to allocate memory for the defined function.
  2. Define a static Java method, and make it public.
  3. Call PanamaUtils.defineCFunctionByName(arena, YouClassName.class, "yourMethodName")


Note: only primitive types and MemorySegment are allowed to be used as the method parameter types and return types.

For native-images, you should use GraalUtils.defineCFunctionXxx methods, and store the CFunctionLiteral in a static final field, and the class which stores static final fields must be initialized at build time.
It would be better to use @Upcall template interface instead, which had managed everything for you.

CallSite and PNIFunc

Panama Native Interface also provides another encapsulation, which allows you to pass lambda expressions to C.

Use PNIFunc<T> as a method parameter in template classes, where T must be a Struct or Union or java.lang.Void or PNIRef<U>.

The generated Java method uses CallSite<T> as its parameter.
It is a functional interface, whose function signature is (T) -> int, where T allows you to share variables between Java and C, while the returned int provides the execution result.

On the C side, the function pointer is wrapped inside a PNIFunc * func variable.
To invoke the function, use int result = PNIFuncInvoke(func, &value);

You may store the PNIFunc object and use it later, you can even invoke it on a new thread. As a result, you MUST release the object when you finished using it: PNIFuncRelease(func);

The PNIFunc struct has a union field union { void * userdata; uint64_t udata64; } for you to store your own data in it.
This is useful for example when you store the PNIFunc* in
You can allocate some extra memory when creating a PNIFunc by calling T.Func.of(<lambda>, new Options().setUserdataByteSize(...)).
The extra memory will be stored inside the userdata pointer field automatically. In this way, the memory gets released with the func.

If any error thrown from the CallSite, the PNIFunc will catch it and print the exception, then return ((int32_t) PNIFuncInvokeExceptionCaught) to C.

You can add @Raw annotation on the parameter to set the generated Java method parameter to PNIFunc<T> instead of CallSite<T>.

You can use PNIFunc<T> in method parameters, return types, or fields.

You can create PNIFunc<T> using PNIFunc.VoidFunc.of(CallSite<Void>) or T.Func.of(CallSite<T>) or PNIRef.Func.of(CallSite<T>).
You can also release a PNIFunc<T> using func.close() on the Java side.


To share Java objects with C, you can use PNIRef<T>: PNIRef.of(object).

You can release the PNIRef<T> on the Java side: ref.close(), or release it on the C side: PNIRefRelease(ref).

You will not be able to manipulate the Java object on the C side obviously, but you can pass it around and use it as an argument in an upcall function or store it in a field.

Also the PNIRef provides a similar userdata union as the PNIFunc does.
You can call PNIRef.of(obj, new Options().setUserdataByteSize(...)), the behavior is exactly the same as PNIFunc.


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  • @Struct: generate C struct from the marked class, you can set @Struct(skip=true) to skip generating the type definition (this is useful if the type is already defined in another C header file).
  • @Union: generate C union from the marked class, you can set @Union(skip=true) to skip generating the type definition, while setting @Union(embedded=true) will make it embedded into other types automatically.
  • @Downcall: generate downcall functions from the marked interface.
  • @Upcall: generate upcall functions from the marked interface.

If a union is already defined in another C header file, you should use @Union(skip=true). If it's not pre-defined and you want it to be embedded into another struct, you should use @Union(embedded=true).
Mixing both will have the same effect of only using @Union(embedded=true).

Performance Concern

  • @LinkerOption.Critical: make a MethodHandle critical. See jdk21 Linker.Option#isTrivial or jdk22 Linker.Option#critical for more info.
    You may set @LinkerOption.Critical(allowHeapAccess=true) to use heap memory in native code.
    Note: allowHeapAccess is not supported by jdk21, the value of allowHeapAccess will be ignored on jdk21. Also, this feature is not supported by Graal native-image and compilation will fail. You must use -fdisable-allow-heap-access to disable this feature.
  • @Align: define the minimum alignment bytes. You can set @Align(packed=true) to disable padding. This annotation has the same effect as setting __attribute__((aligned(N))) or __attribute__((packed)) in GCC.
  • @AlwaysAligned: assumes that the annotated class or field to be always aligned. This will result in a Java ValueLayout without _UNALIGNED suffix. A jmh benchmark shows that accessing "manually aligned" fields has the same performance as accessing "unaligned" fields, and is a little bit slower than "aligned" fields in Panama.
    This annotation is not the default behavior because adding it means that you will not be allowed to put the type on a random memory location.
    The generated C code will not be affected by this annotation. The generator calculates the paddings only based on type info and @Align annotation, and decide to generate packed or non-packed structs, with or without explicit paddings.

Enhance Java Types

  • @Pointer: make a custom type field to be a pointer. The default behavior without @Pointer annotation, is embedding the type into the parent struct.
  • @Len: define the element count of an array, or the native memory length of a string (memory length, not string length).
  • @Unsigned: make an integer type unsinged.
  • @Raw: convert to raw form for native invocation. See the below section @Raw Annotation for more info.
  • @PointerOnly: this annotation is only effective during validation phase. The marked class cannot have fields, the type should only be used as a pointer. However the generated Java class or C struct/union will stay the same as they were.
  • @Bit and @Bit.Field: mark a byte/short/int/long field to be a bit field. For example: @Bit({@Bit.Field(name = "a", bits = 1), @Bit.Field(name = "b", bits = 1)}) @Unsigned byte x, defines two bit fields uint8_t a : 1 and uint8_t b : 1, and automatically generates an anonymous padding to fillup the field's type (uint8_t : 6). You can set @Bit.Field(name="x", bits = 1, bool=true) to generate boolean getter/setters.
    WARNING: bit fields' memory layout is NOT specified in C standard and is NOT compiler/platform portable, use with caution!!!
  • @Sizeof: specify the minimum byte size of the type. This is useful for @PointerOnly types and skip=true types when only part of fields are specified in Java.
    For example:
    @Struct(skip = true)
    @Sizeof("QUIC_ADDR") // you may also write multi-line statements here, and you can include header files as well
    public abstract class QuicAddr {
    With the help of @Sizeof, you can allocate memory for QuicAddr from Java and pass it to native.
    Note: You CANNOT use a @Sizeof class for a non-pointer field unless it's in a union or is the last field in a struct.
    Also, the @Sizeof annotation is infectious, if class A has a non-pointer field whose class is annotated with @Sizeof, then class A must be annotated with Sizeof as well.
  • @NativeType: specify the native type of the field or parameter.
  • @NativeReturnType: specify the native return type of the method.
    The @NativeType and @NativeReturnType are useful for defining the real type for a void* pointer.


  • @Name: define the native name.
  • @Style: when set to @Style(critical), pni will generate native functions without PNIEnv. You can directly use return to return values to Java. However, since the PNIEnv is absent, you will not be able to use any functionality associated with it, for example, throwing exceptions from the C code.
  • @NoAlloc: generate functions without Allocator, even if the return type might require one.
  • @SpecifyGeneratedMembers and @GenerateMember: manually specify members to be included into the generator. This is useful for some JVM languages which might generate additional members.


  • @Include: add #include ... when generating the header file. This is useful if some type is defined in another C header file.
    @Include("...") will generate #include "...", while @Include("<...>") will generate #include <...>.
  • @Impl: write C function definition in Java. See the following example:
          include = {"<unistd.h>"},
          // language="c"
          c = """
              int ret = write(fd, buf   off, len);
              if (ret < 0) {
                  return PNIThrowException(env, "", strerror(errno));
              env->return_ = ret;
              return 0;
    int write(int fd, @Raw ByteBuffer buf, int off, int len) throws IOException;
    When @Impl is specified, an extra header file with .impl.h suffix will be generated along with the normal .h header. You can include the .impl.h header in your C file.
    Note that, the comment // launuage="c" will let JetBrains IDEA highlight the text block with C syntax.

@Raw Annotation

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Annotate the data type to be converted to its raw form. You can only mark method parameters with this annotation.

  • ByteBuffer: will be converted to MemorySegment. This has the same effect as calling MemorySegment.ofBuffer(...) after setting ByteBuffer.position() to 0 and ByteBuffer.limit() to ByteBuffer.capacity(), without actually modifying these properties.
  • T[]: arrays will be converted to their raw form without the PNIBuf wrapper. There will be no length info, so you might need to pass in their length manually.
  • PNIRef<T>: if without @Raw annotation, template PNIRef<T> params will result in T in generated java params.
    With @Raw annotation, template PNIRef<T> params will result in PNIRef<T> in generated java params.
  • PNIFunc<T>: use PNIFunc<T> in the generated Java method parameters, instead of the default CallSite<T>.

Compilation Warnings and Flags

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You can use --verbose --help to show all available warnings and flags, as well as the current values.

You can also add -W<...> or -f<...> before --help to test these warnings or flags.

Type correspondence

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Java @Unsigned @Pointer @Len C Field C Function Param C Extra Return Param C PNIEnv_${type} Generated Java Type Generated Layout
int No - - int32_t int32_t - int int JAVA_INT
int Yes - - uint32_t uint32_t - int int JAVA_INT
long No - - int64_t int64_t - long long JAVA_LONG
long Yes - - uint64_t uint64_t - long long JAVA_LONG
short No - - int16_t int16_t - short short JAVA_SHORT
short Yes - - uint16_t uint16_t - short short JAVA_SHORT
byte No - - int8_t int8_t - byte byte JAVA_BYTE
byte Yes - - uint8_t uint8_t - byte byte JAVA_BYTE
float - - - float float - float float JAVA_FLOAT
double - - - double double - double double JAVA_DOUBLE
boolean - - - uint8_t uint8_t - bool boolean JAVA_BOOLEAN
char - - - uint16_t uint16_t - char char JAVA_CHAR
String - - No char * char * - pointer PNIString ADDRESS
String - - Yes char x[len] - - - String sequenceLayout(len, JAVA_BYTE)
MemorySegment - - - void * void * - pointer MemorySegment ADDRESS
ByteBuffer - - - PNIBuf PNIBuf * PNIBuf * buf ByteBuffer PNIBuf.LAYOUT
ByteBuffer (@Raw) - - - - char * - - ByteBuffer -
Struct/Union - No - Type - - - Type Type.LAYOUT
Struct/Union - Yes - Type * Type * Type * pointer Type ADDRESS
int[] No * No PNIBuf_int PNIBuf_int * PNIBuf_int * buf_int IntArray PNIBuf.LAYOUT
int[] Yes * No PNIBuf_uint PNIBuf_uint * PNIBuf_uint * buf_uint IntArray PNIBuf.LAYOUT
long[] No * No PNIBuf_long PNIBuf_long * PNIBuf_long * buf_long LongArray PNIBuf.LAYOUT
long[] Yes * No PNIBuf_ulong PNIBuf_ulong * PNIBuf_ulong * buf_ulong LongArray PNIBuf.LAYOUT
short[] No * No PNIBuf_short PNIBuf_short * PNIBuf_short * buf_short ShortArray PNIBuf.LAYOUT
short[] Yes * No PNIBuf_ushort PNIBuf_ushort * PNIBuf_ushort * buf_ushort ShortArray PNIBuf.LAYOUT
byte[] No * No PNIBuf_byte PNIBuf_byte * PNIBuf_byte * buf_byte MemorySegment PNIBuf.LAYOUT
byte[] Yes * No PNIBuf_ubyte PNIBuf_ubyte * PNIBuf_ubyte * buf_ubyte MemorySegment PNIBuf.LAYOUT
float[] - * No PNIBuf_float PNIBuf_float * PNIBuf_float * buf_float FloatArray PNIBuf.LAYOUT
double[] - * No PNIBuf_double PNIBuf_double * PNIBuf_double * buf_double DoubleArray PNIBuf.LAYOUT
boolean[] - * No PNIBuf_bool PNIBuf_bool * PNIBuf_bool * buf_bool BoolArray PNIBuf.LAYOUT
char[] - * No PNIBuf_char PNIBuf_char * PNIBuf_char * buf_char CharArray PNIBuf.LAYOUT
MemorySegment[] - * No PNIBuf_ptr PNIBuf_ptr * PNIBuf_ptr * buf_ptr PointerArray PNIBuf.LAYOUT
Type[] - * No PNIBuf_Type PNIBuf_Type * PNIBuf_Type * buf_Type Type.Array PNIBuf.LAYOUT
int[] (@Raw) No * No - int32_t * - - IntArray -
int[] (@Raw) Yes * No - uint32_t * - - IntArray -
long[] (@Raw) No * No - int64_t * - - LongArray -
long[] (@Raw) Yes * No - uint64_t * - - LongArray -
short[] (@Raw) No * No - int16_t * - - ShortArray -
short[] (@Raw) Yes * No - uint16_t * - - ShortArray -
byte[] (@Raw) No * No - void * - - MemorySegment -
byte[] (@Raw) Yes * No - uint8_t * - - MemorySegment -
float[] (@Raw) - * No - float * - - FloatArray -
double[] (@Raw) - * No - double * - - DoubleArray -
boolean[] (@Raw) - * No - uint8_t * - - BoolArray -
char[] (@Raw) - * No - uint16_t * - - CharArray -
MemorySegment[] (@Raw) - * No - void ** - - PointerArray -
Type[] (@Raw) - * No - Type * - - Type.Array -
int[] No - Yes int32_t x[len] - - - IntArray sequenceLayout(len, JAVA_INT)
int[] Yes - Yes uint32_t x[len] - - - IntArray sequenceLayout(len, JAVA_INT)
long[] No - Yes int64_t x[len] - - - LongArray sequenceLayout(len, JAVA_LONG)
long[] Yes - Yes uint64_t x[len] - - - LongArray sequenceLayout(len, JAVA_LONG)
short[] No - Yes int16_t x[len] - - - ShortArray sequenceLayout(len, JAVA_SHORT)
short[] Yes - Yes uint16_t x[len] - - - ShortArray sequenceLayout(len, JAVA_SHORT)
byte[] No - Yes int8_t x[len] - - - MemorySegment sequenceLayout(len, JAVA_BYTE)
byte[] Yes - Yes uint8_t x[len] - - - MemorySegment sequenceLayout(len, JAVA_BYTE)
float[] - - Yes float x[len] - - - FloatArray sequenceLayout(len, JAVA_FLOAT)
double[] - - Yes double x[len] - - - DoubleArray sequenceLayout(len, JAVA_DOUBLE)
boolean[] - - Yes uint8_t x[len] - - - BoolArray sequenceLayout(len, JAVA_BOOLEAN)
char[] - - Yes uint16_t x[len] - - - CharArray sequenceLayout(len, JAVA_CHAR)
MemorySegment[] - - Yes void * x[len] - - - PointerArray sequenceLayout(len, ADDRESS)
Type[] - - Yes Type x[len] - - - Type.Array sequenceLayout(len, Type.LAYOUT)
PNIFunc<T> (field or return) - - - PNIFunc * PNIFunc * - func PNIFunc<T> ADDRESS
PNIFunc<T> (param) - - - - PNIFunc * - - CallSite<T> -
PNIFunc<PNIRef<T>> (param) - - - - PNIFunc * - - CallSite<T> -
PNIFunc<T> (param @Raw) - - - - PNIFunc * - - PNIFunc<T> -
PNIFunc<PNIRef<T>> (param @Raw) - - - - PNIFunc * - - PNIFunc<T> -
PNIRef<T> (field or return) - - - PNIRef * PNIRef * - ref PNIRef<T> ADDRESS
PNIRef<T> (param) - - - - PNIRef * - - T -
PNIRef<T> (param @Raw) - - - - PNIRef * - - PNIRef<T> -

*: Both Yes and No.
-: Cannot mark the annotation.

Note that the return types and parameters are always considered to be marked with @Pointer when possible.

Any other combination except the above table is disallowed.

Pooled Allocators

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Panama Native Interface does not provide built-in pooled allocators implementation, but allow you to register your own impl into the framework. You can use PooledAllocator.ofXxx functions to retrieve a pooled allocator.

There are three kinds of Pooled Allocators:

  1. ofPooled: the simplest pooled allocator, which doesn't have to provide multi-thread support.
  2. ofConcurrentPooled: must provide multi-thread support.
  3. ofUnsafePooled: usually wraps around unsafe, or provided by a native allocator implementation, such as jemalloc, the memory must not be managed by the JVM (because JVM managed MemorySegments and Arenas may have certain limitations).

You can register you implementation via PooledAllocator.setXxxProvider:

  1. setPooledAllocatorProvider
  2. setConcurrentPooledAllocatorProvider
  3. setUnsafePooledAllocatorProvider


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  • This project has a pre assumption: sizeof(void*) is 8 bytes. In other words, you can only use this project on a 64bit processor. This shouldn't be a problem because there's very rare chance that you would run Java on a 32bit platform.
  • When you throw an exception from native code, you should ensure that the exception type name char array does not require releasing.
  • Only primitive types or MemorySegment or custom types can be used to generate arrays, and the arrays can only be 1 dimension. To use 2 or more dimension arrays, the only way to achieve this is to calculate the array length and use 1 dimension array instead.
  • You should avoid using "all upper case" type names or variables. The extra params or local variables in the generated code are "all upper case", and naming collisions of these variables are not checked during the validation phase. This shouldn't be a problem, because normally people won't define "all upper case" type names or member fields.
  • Bit fields are not compiler/platform portable. Panama Native Interface provides limited bit fields support, it allows you to define bit fields, but you must define them on an integer type. The total bit must not exceed the integer type's memory size, and a padding will automatically be generated if the bit fields' total bit is less than the integer type memory size.
    You must use bit fields with caution. The most common use case of bit fields is to define switches, and this should work well usually, but it's NOT guarenteed. [1]
  • A JMH benchmark shows that disabling inlining of ConcurrentHashMap#get can improve performance when retrieving values from ObjectHolder. However the benchmark only shows performance of the certain case. You may try to add or remove jvm option -XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,io.vproxy.pni.impl.ForceNoInlineConcurrentLongMap::* and bench your own code.

[1] C11: An implementation may allocate any addressable storage unit large enough to hold a bit-field. If enough space remains, a bit-field that immediately follows another bit-field in a structure shall be packed into adjacent bits of the same unit. If insufficient space remains, whether a bit-field that does not fit is put into the next unit or overlaps adjacent units is implementation-defined. The order of allocation of bit-fields within a unit (high-order to low-order or low-order to high-order) is implementation-defined. The alignment of the addressable storage unit is unspecified.


Code Generator for Java and C, making it easier to use Java Panama and Graal Native Image






