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Kinshuk Bairagi edited this page Apr 5, 2022 · 14 revisions

Oreka installation comprises of 2 mandatory components (orkaudio & orktrack) & one optional component (orkweb)


OS Compatibility

OS Version Variant
Ubuntu 16.x , 18.x, 20.x Native Support
Debian 9 , 10 Native Support
Debian <= 8 Docker Support
CentOS any Docker Support
Windows - Not Maintained

Native Installation

  1. Install daemontools and orkaudio
apt-get install daemontools daemontools-run
apt install ./orkaudio.deb
  1. Configure /etc/orkaudio/config.xml

    sample config.xml
      	<!-- This is an example configuration file for the Oreka orkaudio capture service on Linux -->
      	<!-- Copy this to config.xml and modify according to taste -->
      	<!-- Uncomment the plugin you want to use: -->
      	<!-- Use for SIP, Cisco Skinny and pure RTP -->
      	<!-- Use for Avaya, Nortel Unistim, H.323 and MGCP -->
      	<!-- See in <VoIpPlugin> below for more precise protocol tuning -->
      	<!-- Audio file storage format: choose from: native, gsm, ulaw, alaw, pcmwav -->
      	<!-- If you want to keep native audio files as well as compressed, change this to "no" -->
      	<!-- <CapturePortFilters>LiveMonitoring</CapturePortFilters> -->
      	<TapeProcessors>BatchProcessing, Reporting</TapeProcessors>
      	<!-- <ImmediateProcessingQueueSize>1000</ImmediateProcessingQueueSize> -->
      	<!-- <CaptureFileBatchSizeKByte>1024</CaptureFileBatchSizeKByte> -->
      	<!-- Uncomment the parameter below and fill in a comma-separated -->
      	<!-- list of TCP addresses which you wish to open a connection to. -->
      	<!-- For example, A TCP -->
      	<!-- connection shall be opened and a read-loop shall be entered -->
      	<!-- into whereby any data read shall be discarded, and a record -->
      	<!-- maintained of the amount of data which has been read. -->
      	<!-- <SocketStreamerTargets></SocketStreamerTargets> -->
      		<PcapSocketBufferSize>2147483646</PcapSocketBufferSize> <!--INT MAX-1 2047MB -->
      		<!--queuemetrics integration, uncomment the following line-->
      		<!-- Use this for Nortel proprietary VoIP protocol -->
      		<!-- Turn both these on this for Avaya H.323 extensions -->
      		<!-- Set the option below to "true" to enable IAX2 support -->
      		<!-- the default is that IAX2 support is disabled -->
      		<!--<Iax2Support>false</Iax2Support> -->
      		<!-- Use this if you want to force capture from a given list of devices. -->
      		<!-- All available devices are listed in orkaudio.log when the service is starting -->
      		<!--<PcapFilter>net or host</PcapFilter>-->
      		<!-- Those two parameters are only needed for call direction detection (one or the other) -->
      		<!-- Sangoma wanpipe RTP tap for TDM boards -->
      		<!-- Mitel Communications Platform -->
      		<!-- Turn on the parameter below to enable support for Mitel -->
      		<!-- <MitelDetect>yes</MitelDetect> -->
      		<!-- The parameter below sets the Mitel signalling port. The -->
      		<!-- default is 3999 -->
      		<!-- <MitelSignallingPort>3999</MitelSignallingPort> -->
      		<!-- The parameter below sets the amount of time in seconds -->
      		<!-- after which the cached Mitel metadata shall be discarded. -->
      		<!-- The default is 60 seconds. -->
      		<!-- <MitelMetadataTimeoutSec>60</MitelMetadataTimeoutSec> -->
      		<!-- Turn on the parameter below to enable extension Mitel -->
      		<!-- extension detection using ARP. Turning on this parameter -->
      		<!-- automatically turns on MitelDetect -->
      		<!-- <MitelArpExtensionDetect>yes</MitelArpExtensionDetect> -->
      		<!-- Set MitelSmdrPort to the port where Mitel SMDR records -->
      		<!-- may be accessed. The default is 1752. Note that you -->
      		<!-- shall need to configure SocketStreamerTargets with the -->
      		<!-- host and this port, in order for Oreka to access the -->
      		<!-- SMDR records. See SocketStreamerTargets above for more -->
      		<!-- information on how to configure it. -->
      		<!-- <MitelSmdrPort>1752</MitelSmdrPort> -->
      		<!-- End of Available Configurations for Mitel Communications Platform -->
  2. Start/Stop the orkaudio service

svc -u /etc/service/orkaudio #to-start
# Verify that is running using `ps aux | grep orkaudio`
svc -d /etc/service/orkaudio #to-stop

Docker Based Installation

docker run -itd --net=host --restart=always --privileged=true -v /var/log/orkaudio:/var/log/orkaudio voiceip/orkaudio:latest


Install orktrack using the following steps:

  1. Install MySQL & Tomcat (>8.5)
apt-get install mysql-server-5.7 mysql-client-5.7
apt install tomcat8
  1. Create database oreka

  2. Proceed with configuration

    Create the folder /etc/oreka and create the following files database.hbm.xml example, example, logging.xml example, orktrack.config.xml example and configure them as per your need.

  3. Create the log folders.

mkdir /var/log/orkweb
chown -Rv tomcat8:admin /var/log/orkweb/
  1. Deploy orktrack.war to tomcat webapps folder, and restart tomcat.


Install orkweb using the following steps:

  1. Follow steps 1-3 of orktrack.

  2. Deploy orkweb.war to tomcat webapps folder, and restart tomcat.

  3. Login using default credentials username : admin password: admin

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