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Logseq Markmap Plugin

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Basic shortcuts


Traverse level by level and step by step


Focus in and out


This is a plugin for Logseq to provide mindmap support based on Markmap.

Installation and Usage

npm install
npm run build:prod # For real
npm run build # For development

Load unpack plugin from dist directory


  • Typescript
  • TailwindCSS
  • Vue
  • Markmap related packages

Version at least

Logseq v0.8.12


Most of features come from Markmap project.

  • Colorful markmap items.
  • Markmap toolbar included.
  • Support inline code and code block.
  • Support inline text styles.
  • Support normal links.
  • Support inline latex syntax.
  • Support mouse drag and drop, double click, scrollwheel zoom.
  • Provice many convenient shortcuts.
  • Support dark mode, and up to 16 themes.
  • Support Logseq block reference and page reference and page tag.
  • Support highlight syntax == for Markdown, ^^ for Org mode.
  • Workflow tags are Colorized.
  • Image partly supported, will be converted to image link.
  • Mainly support Markdown mode, Org mode partly supported.
  • Support trigger markmap in block page.
  • Support open next markmap in markmap.
  • Support node anchor to pick sub tree as the next markmap.
  • Support export as PNG and SVG.
  • Support pen mode, so you can draw on markmap.


  • The mindmap is not editable.
  • Properies are ignored.
  • Text length is unlimited.
  • # head markdown syntax is ignored, use hierarchical blocks instead.
  • Hiccup not supported.
  • Tested on Logseq v0.6.5.


There are so many shortcuts for each action.

Markmap related

  • shift 1: Switch back to page view.
  • shift 2: Switch to hierarchy view.
  • shift 3: Switch to linked references view.
  • space: fit window in center in case you move or zoom it.
  • 0: hide all except the central one.
  • 9: show all.
  • 1: expand to level 1.
  • 2: expand to level 2.
  • 3: expand to level 3.
  • 4: expand to level 4.
  • 5: expand to level 5.
  • : zoom in.
  • -: zoom out.
  • h: level up.
  • l: level down.
  • j: expand step by step.
  • k: collapse step by step.
  • .: focus in to children level.
  • b: focus out to parent level.
  • ,: reset to original tree.
  • n: focus to next sibling.
  • p: focus to previous sibling.
  • `: random change theme.
  • mod b: reset theme according to Logseq theme.
  • ESC & q: close the mindmap.
  • UP: move mindmap up.
  • DOWN: move mindmap down.
  • LEFT: move mindmap left.
  • RIGHT: move mindmap right.
  • cmd [: go backward.
  • cmd ]: go forward.
  • /: popup keybindings help model.

Markmap trigger

  • m m: trigger Markmap for non-editing mode, show currennt block and children when editing or highlighting, otherwise show all page blocks.
  • ctrl m ctrl m: trigger Markmap for editing mode, show current block and children.
  • /Markmap slash command: to trigger markmap for current block and children.
  • Markmap contextual menu item: to trigger markmap for current block and children.
  • Icon Button: to trigger markmap for current page.
  • ·ctrl alt shift m ctrl alt shift m`: to trigger markmap for current page, like the icon.

Markmap properties

Page properties

  • mark-map-title:: blahblah, to change the mindmap center node different from page title.
  • mark-map-collapsed, a page property.
    • Without this property, mindmap will follow Logseq blocks collapsed state by default.
    • mark-map-collapsed:: hidden, to hide Logseq collapsed blocks on mindmap.
    • mark-map-collapsed:: extend, ignore Logseq blocks collapsed state, extend all nodes on mindmap.
  • mark-map-limit:: N, to limit first level block list items.
  • mark-map-limit-all:: N, to limit all block list items.

Block properties

  • mark-map-display:: hidden, a block property, to hide the block.
  • mark-map-cut:: 30, a block property, to limit mindmap node text length.
  • mark-map-limit:: N, to limit block next level block list items.

Markmap settings

  • theme: to select your favorite theme, if you choose auto, then it will decide to use dark or light by Logseq's theme.


Issues and PRs are welcome!

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