Tools to support message passing via async iterators
Install heliograph by running:
yarn add heliograph
Manually define an async iterator
import { makeAsyncIterator } from "heliograph"
async function run() {
let currentCount = 1
const iterator = makeAsyncIterator({
async next() {
if (currentCount <= 3) {
return { done: false, value: currentCount++ }
} else {
return { done: true }
doSomethingElse() {
console.log("Hello There")
for await (const value of iterator) {
is called whenever a consumer wants to pull the next value from the
iterator; it must return either { done: false, value: "VALUE" }
{ done: true }
Other properties that are passed in will be added to the returned iterator.
Creates an async iterator that ticks after every interval.
import { fromClock } from "heliograph"
async function run() {
for await(const hour of fromClock(1000 * 60 * 60)) {
For example, when set to tick every hour (an interval of 1000 * 60 * 60
ticks will be emitted every hour on the hour starting with the next nearest
hour. So, if the current time is 10:30, the first tick will be at 11:00 and
then at 12:00.
Values cannot be emitted exactly on time but are guaranteed not to be emitted early. From testing, the longest delay seen has been 10ms.
Creates an async iterator that waits for and pulls values pushed into a queue
import * as fs from "fs"
import { promisify } from "util"
import { fromQueue } from "heliograph"
const sleep = promisify(setTimeout)
const queue = fromQueue()
async function produce() {
await sleep(1000)
await sleep(2000)
// queue.pushError(new Error("Something went wrong"))
async function consume() {
for await (const value of queue) {
Push values into the queue using .push(value)
. Values are buffered until they
are pulled out by a consumer. Signal to consumers that no more values will be
produced by calling .end()
; any values still in the queue will be drained
Signal an error condition by calling .push(error)
. Any values in the queue
will be drained first. Subsequent attempts to pull values will throw the given
Creates an async iterator that queues up events from an EventEmitter
import EventEmitter from "events"
import { fromEventEmitter } from "heliograph"
async function run() {
const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter()
const iterator = fromEventEmitter(eventEmitter, "message", "end", "error")
eventEmitter.emit("message", 1)
eventEmitter.emit("message", 2)
eventEmitter.emit("message", 3)
// eventEmitter.emit("error", new Error("Something Wrong"))
for await (const message of iterator) {
With semantics similar to fromQueue()
, whenever a message event
is emitted, its value is enqueued. Optionally, an end event or error event can
be provided; when emitted, they are translated into calls to .end()
, respectively.
Creates an async iterator that queues up events from an
commonly used by DOM objects.
import { fromEventTarget } from "heliograph"
async function run() {
const button = document.createElement("button")
const iterator = fromEventEmitter(button, "click", { passive: true })
for await (const message of iterator) {
An optional third argument, when given, will be passed directly to
With semantics similar to fromQueue()
, whenever a message event
is emitted, its value is enqueued.
Creates an async iterator that pulls values from a Readable Stream.
Note that as of Node v11.14.0, stream.Readable
instances are async iterators.
So, there"s no need to convert them. However, many third-party libraries don"t
yet include this interface change.
import * as fs from "fs"
import { fromStream } from "heliograph"
async function run() {
const stream = fs.createReadStream("some-file")
for await (const chunk of fromStream(stream)) {
When the stream ends, the async interator will end. When the stream emits an error, the async iterator will throw that error.
Creates an async iterator that connects to the given URL and emits incoming messages.
import { fromWebSocket } from "heliograph"
async function run() {
const socket = await fromWebSocket("wss://")
await socket.send("One")
await socket.send("Two")
await socket.close()
for await (const message of socket) {
The iterator will end when either the client or server disconnects.
Consume the items of the given async iterator
import { pipe, consume } from "heliograph"
async function* numbers() {
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
async function run() {
await pipe(
consume(n => console.log(n))
returns a promise that resolves when the iterator ends and rejects
if it throws an error.
Collect the items of the given async iterator into an array
import { pipe, toArray } from "heliograph"
async function* numbers() {
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
async function run() {
const numbersArray = await pipe(
Return a new async iterator that emits all of the items of the first given iterator, followed by all of the items of the next, etc.
import { concat } from "heliograph"
async function* numbersA() {
yield 1
yield 2
async function* numbersB() {
yield 1
yield 2
async function run() {
const allNumbers = concat(numbersA(), numbersB())
for await (const number of allNumbers) {
Return a new async iterator whose items are items from the given iterator that
evaluate to true
when passed to the given inclusion function.
import { filter } from "heliograph"
async function* numbers() {
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
async function run() {
const iterator = filter(n => n % 2 === 0)(numbers())
for await (const evenNumber of iterator) {
Copy an async iterator so that separate operators can be applied
import { fork, filter } from "heliograph"
async function* numbers() {
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
async function run() {
const [numbers1, numbers2] = fork(numbers(), 2)
const evenNumbers = filter(n => n % 2 === 0)(numbers1)
const oddNumbers = filter(n => n % 2 !== 0)(numbers2)
Return a new async iterator whose items are the result of transforming each item of the given async iterator.
import { map } from "heliograph"
async function* numbers() {
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
async function run() {
const iterator = map(n => n * 2)(numbers())
for await (const doubledNumber of iterator) {
Interleave the items from multiple async iterators as they arrive
import { promisify } from "util"
import { merge } from "heliograph"
const sleep = promisify(setTimeout)
async function* numbers() {
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
async function* otherNumbers() {
yield 42
yield 43
yield 44
async function run() {
const iterator = merge(numbers(), otherNumbers())
for await (const number of iterator) {
Observe the items of an async iterator and return a new async iterator that yields the same items. Errors are not passed to the observer.
import { pipe, observe } from "heliograph"
async function* numbers() {
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
const iterator = pipe(
observe(n => console.log(n))
async function run() {
for await (const number of iterator) {
Break up an iterator"s items into a series of groups
import { partition } from "heliograph"
async function* streamItems() {
yield { group: 1 }
yield { group: 1 }
yield { group: 2 }
yield { group: 3 }
yield { group: 3 }
yield { group: 3 }
async function run() {
const groups = partition((x, y) => !==
for await (const group of groups) {
Pass an iterator through a series of transforms.
import { pipe, map, filter } from "heliograph"
async function* numbers() {
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
yield 4
async function run() {
const iterator = pipe(
filter(number => number % 2 === 0),
map(evenNumber => evenNumber * 3)
for await (const number of iterator) {
Downsample the values of an async iterator based on when and how often a scheduler async iterator emits ticks.
import { fromEventTarget, fromClock, pipe, sample } from "heliograph"
const div = document.querySelector("div")
const throttledMouseMoves = pipe(
fromEventEmitter(div, "mousemove", { passive: true }),
for await(const event of throttledMouseMoves) {
Combine (or reduce) values one at a time, emitting the current accumulated value each time.
import { scan } from "heliograph"
async function* numbers() {
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
yield 4
yield 5
async function run() {
const runningTotal = scan((acc, n) => acc + n, 0)(numbers())
for await (const total of runningTotal) {
Compute values from a rolling window
import { scanWindow } from "heliograph"
async function* numbers() {
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
yield 4
yield 5
async function run() {
const addedNumbers = scanWindow(3, (x, y, z) => x + y + z)(numbers())
for await (const addedNumber of addedNumbers) {
Note that for a given windowSize
, the first windowSize - 1
items emitted
will be null
Pair up items from two async iterators
import { promisify } from "util"
import { zip } from "heliograph"
const sleep = promisify(setTimeout)
async function* numbers() {
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
async function* letters() {
yield "a"
yield "b"
yield "c"
async function run() {
const iterator = zip(numbers(), letters())
for await (const [number, letter] of iterator) {
console.log(number, leter)