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Releases: vinifmor/bauh


10 Jan 20:24
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  • AppImage
    • regression on the database backend preventing long time installed AppImages to receive updates
  • UI
    • regression from 0.10.6: "name" filter not working for packages whose names contain the typed words


  • AppImage: using the latest Python standards to build and install bauh (using build and installer packages)
  • PyPI: adding more exclusions to unneeded files


23 Dec 10:43
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  • new verified filter for the management table


  • AppImage
    • supporting AppImages from GitLab repositories
    • info window: displaying "unknown" when there is no mapped license
  • Arch
    • parallelized installed packages reading
    • parallelized search
    • adding the AUR's URL on the package information dialog #339
  • General
    • new download implementation replaces wget (implemented in Python using the requests library)
    • replaced the internet checking old host ( by a more general one ( #300
    • faster exit (threaded calls won't be waited)
    • adding a new project definition/setup (pyproject.toml) file to comply with the latest standards
  • UI
    • faster package icons download
    • faster packages filtering (type, category, name, etc... up to 95% less time)
    • the "Skip" button on the initialization panel is now enabled after 10 seconds #310
    • displaying the download progress for screenshots
    • on the package information dialog is now possible to open fields associated with URLs in the browser #340
    • displaying a text warning before installing an unverified package (unverified = not verified by the system maintainers or a trustable source)
      • at the moment the following packaging formats are considered completely unverified: AppImage, AUR, Web
      • Snap supports both verified and unverified software
    • minor reduction in the table loading time
    • improvements to help with random widget centralisation issues
    • more translations


  • AppImage
    • upgrade fails when the package was initially imported, but later available on bauh's database #321
  • General
    • random segmentation fault errors associated with threads and caching
  • Web
    • search not working for some typed addresses (e.g: those returning 403)



  • bauh's AppImage is now based on Debian bullseye and had a small size reduction


17 Dec 13:05
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  • Arch
    • not properly checking all provided packages by the system when checking for conflicts (upgrade requirements). it could lead to an unbootable system or package losses.
  • UI
    • some windows not properly being centralized (regression introduced in 0.10.4)
    • some windows being displayed in the wrong place (regression introduced in 0.10.4)


  • Arch
    • added several test cases to ensure conflicting scenarios are properly covered when checking for upgrade requirements
  • General
    • replaced the use of Python's LegacyVersion for version comparison since it will be deprecated in the next Python's major release (affects Arch, AppImage and Flatpak gems)
      • python-packaging dependency is no longer needed



05 Nov 18:20
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  • Arch
    • replaced some system calls by Python calls


  • AppImage
    • some desktop entries not being displayed on the desktop environment menu (requires the AppImage to be reinstalled) #287
  • Arch
    • not detecting some package replacements when upgrading due to conflict information having logic operators (e.g: at-spi2-core: 2.44.1 -> 2.46.0 should replace the installed at-spi2-atk: 2.38)
    • not considering some conflict expressions when retrieving upgrade requirements (it could lead to a system breakage depending on the conflict)
  • Debian
    • not properly handling packages with names ending with :i386 #298
  • Packaging
    • AppImage: download certificate issue #280
  • GUI
    • initialization panel size not based on the current display device size
    • management panel:
      • not fully maximizing
      • not maximizing based on the current display device size (for multiple display setups)
      • not respecting a minimal/maximum width based on the current display device size (for multiple display setup)
      • dialogs not respecting the current display device width
      • not readjusting size after maximizing/minimizing

Localization (i18n)


30 May 12:30
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  • General
    • new parameter --suggestions: forces loading software suggestions after the initialization process #260
    • allowing custom suggestions / curated software to be mapped by Linux distributions (more on #260


  • Arch

    • suggestions available for repository packages (and the associated caching expiration property suggestions_exp. Default: 24 hours)
  • General

    • preventing command injection through the search mechanism #266
    • code refactoring
  • UI

    • manage window minimum width related to the table columns
    • table columns width for maximized window
    • settings window size rules moved to stylesheet files
    • enforcing maximum width and height for the management window based on the primary screen resolution #261
    • some columns of the management window now have their widths limit based on a percentage of the primary screen's width:
      • name limit: 15%
      • description limit: 18%
      • publisher limit: 12%
      • version: the limit for displaying both the installed and latest versions is 22% (otherwise just the latest version will be displayed)
    • auto-resizing the management panel when filters are applied
  • Settings

    • new property to disable SSL checking when downloading files (disabled by default)

    • the default value for suggestions.by_type is now 15.


  • Arch

    • conflict resolution: removing hard dependencies that would be satisfied with the inclusion of the new package #268
      • e.g: pipewire-pulse conflicts with pulseaudio. pulseaudio-alsa (a dependency of pulseaudio) should not be removed, since pipewire-pulse provides pulseaudio
    • AUR:
      • build: error raised when the temporary directory does not exist (when changing the CPUs governors)
      • date parsing when checking for updates
      • not caching the 'LastModified' field of installed AUR dependencies (could lead to wrong display updates)
  • Flatpak

    • not all selected runtime partials to upgrade are actually requested to be upgraded
  • Web

    • not reading from the cached suggestions file after the first request
    • not detecting some generated apps as installed
  • UI

    • double suggestions loading call when no app is returned


16 Apr 12:04
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  • Arch

    • install:

      • missing dependencies dialog now displays the packages sizes and descriptions (only from repositories)
      • optional packages installation dialog appearance (aligned with other dependencies dialogs)
    • uninstall:

      • displaying hard and unnecessary requirements versions and descriptions
    • settings:

      • displaying different tabs for general Arch configurations and AUR's

  • Debian

    • install: installation/download sizes order (to follow the upgrade dialog order)
    • uninstall: dependencies dialog size
    • settings: new property to enable "purge" as the default removal method

  • Flatpak

    • faster updates reading (threaded)
  • General

    • code refactoring
  • UI

    • update summary:
      • displaying a ' ' for positive sizes (previously the sign was only displayed for negative numbers) #250
      • changing some words and symbols to improve readability and cohesion #250
      • displaying update sizes as localized numbers #250
    • settings: some components' width reduced
  • Web

    • installation form width


  • Arch:

    • displaying already installed packages when suggesting optional dependencies (pacman >= 6.0)
  • Debian

    • install/upgrade: hanging when packages require manual configuration
    • info: crashing when the package size has unexpected symbols #251
    • displaying wrong symbols among numbers in install/uninstall/upgrade outputs for systems without english encoding installed
    • removing unused packages on any type of transaction (this is the default behaviour for aptitude)
  • Flatpak

    • some updates or download sizes not being displayed when there are new required runtimes for installed Flatpaks
    • not displaying new required runtimes as updates (requires Flatpak >= 1.12)
    • upgrade: informing the download size as the additional installation size
    • random index out of bounds exception when reading updates
  • General

    • not properly converting bibyte (KiB, MiB, ...) and byte (kB, MB, ...) based sizes to bytes
    • uninstall and downgrade logs are not available #255
  • UI

    • not displaying the right unit symbol for byte based sizes (kB, MB, TB, ...) #250
    • some components do not properly adjust the text size #253


31 Mar 21:32
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  • Flatpak

    • new custom action "Full update": fully updates all installed Flatpak apps and components (useful if you are having issues with runtime updates)


  • General

    • code refactoring
    • backup:
      • single mode: now supports two remove methods #244

        • self: it removes only self generated backups/snapshots (default)
        • all: it removes all existing backup/snapshots on the disc

  • AppImage

    • Limiting the UI components width of the file installation and upgrade windows
  • Arch

    • text length of some popups reduced
  • Snap

    • allowing the actions output locale to be decided by the Snap client
  • UI

    • only displaying the "Installed" filter when installed packages are available on the table
    • settings: margin between components reduced #241
    • "close" button added to the screenshots window (some distributions hide the default "x" on the dialog frame) #246


  • Arch

    • regression: not displaying ignored updates
    • dependency size: display a '?' instead of '0' ('?' should only be displayed when the size is unknown)
  • Debian

    • packages descriptions are not displayed on the system's default language (when available)
  • Flatpak:

    • executed commands are not displayed on the system default language and encoding (requires Flatpak >= 1.12) #242
    • applications and runtimes descriptions are not displayed on the system default language (when available) #242
  • Web

    • using the wrong locale format for the Accept-Language header
  • UI:

    • rare crash when updating table items
    • some action errors not being displayed on the details component when they are concatenated with sudo output


14 Mar 17:22
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  • Debian

    • allowing Debian packages to be managed

      • required dependencies: aptitude
      • basic actions supported: search, install, uninstall, upgrade
      • custom actions supported:
        • synchronize packages: synchronize the available packages on the repository (aptitude update)
        • index applications: maps runnable installed packages (automatically done during initialization)
        • software sources: launches the application responsible for managing software sources (at the moment only software-properties-gtk is supported)
      • custom package actions supported:
        • purge: removes the packages and all related configuration files

  • AppImage

    • new custom action to self install bauh if it is running as an AppImage

  • Arch

    • AUR:
      • able to filter orphan packages by the new "orphan" category #236
      • able to filter outdated packages by the new "out of date" category #236


  • General

    • minor memory improvements
    • code refactoring
    • update checking interval on tray mode is now measured in minutes instead of seconds (default: 5)
  • Arch

    • info dialog:
      • displaying the "executable" field if the package is recognized as an application
      • displaying "description" and "version" as primary fields for repository packages
      • displaying the "out of date" field for AUR packages #236
      • displaying the "orphan" field for AUR packages #236
    • removing the "%U" parameter before launching applications to prevent error messages
    • minor code refactoring
  • Flatpak

    • cli/tray: removed some unneeded API calls when listing updates #234
  • UI

    • search:

      • sorting packages by closest match instead of considering installed first
      • new "Installed" filter

    • upgrade summary dialog size

    • displaying tips for some custom actions (on mouse hover)

    • screenshots: displaying the current image index as a label in the button bar (e.g: 1/3)

    • some unneeded cursor icons removed from the apps table

    • some icons replaced

  • Distribution

    • AppImage: -~9% size reduction (96.32 MB -> 88.16 MB)


  • General

    • not accepting blank root passwords #235
    • human-readable sizes (packages, files, updates, ...)
  • AppImage

    • info: displaying attributes related to the installation after the application has been removed (search)
    • history: not properly sorting releases by version
  • Arch:

    • AUR:
      • info: exception when trying to retrieve the PKGBUILD of a package without a base defined
  • UI

    • some package icons would not appear if there is no URL associated with them
    • info: not displaying boolean fields


14 Feb 18:14
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  • Distribution
    • AppImage: not able to detect updates on the tray mode because the bauh-cli call was referencing the system's Python interpreter instead of the containerized one #230


11 Feb 19:09
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  • Arch:

    • preventing AUR's installed packages from not being mapped in cases the communication with the API fails
    • code refactoring (String formatting method)
  • Setup

    • able to install bauh with python/pip without enforcing requirements through the environment variable BAUH_SETUP_NO_REQS=1
  • Distribution

    • AppImage: -~32% size reduction (141.93 MB -> 96.32 MB)


  • Arch

    • silent crash when handling and displaying transaction sub-status
    • AUR: not detecting installed packages anymore due to recent AUR API changes
    • installation fails when several dependent packages conflict with the installed ones
    • removing a duplicate call to checking for AUR updates
  • AppImage

    • search: displaying duplicate installed apps for some cases

ArchLinux users

  • If you are not able to upgrade bauh from 0.9.26 to 0.9.27 using bauh (due to recent AUR's API changes), type the following commands on a terminal:
git clone
cd bauh
makepkg -si