✏️ A blog based on GitHub Pages built with Vue.js 2 webpack 3.
一个依赖 GitHub Pages,无需本地生成的静态博客,使用了 Vue.js 2 组件开发,webpack 3 打包。
- I've switched my blog project to VuePress. And this repository is no longer maintained. If you like the theme, you can try vuepress-theme-simple.
- 我已经将自己的博客程序迁移为 VuePress,这个库也不再维护。如果你喜欢这个主题,可以试试 vuepress-theme-simple,原汁原味~
Demo: https://viko16.github.io/vue-ghpages-blog/
- Vue 2 / Vue-router / axios
- webpack 3 / Babel 6 / Stylus
- No need to generate locally ( now using TravisCI )
- Hosting on GitHub Pages
- SessionStorage cache
Note: src/config.js
points the configurations of my personal blog. If you fork this repository, modify it first. 😳
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Develop with hot reload
npm run dev
# Lint and Test
npm test
For the Vue 1.x version, please see the vue-1 branch.
- All the posts are stored in viko16/writings, while
points it. - When I push the code to
branch, TravisCI will deploygh-pages
MIT © viko16