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This is a test project used to reproduce a Firestore problem with experimentalAutoDetectLongPolling.

There's 3 ways of using Firestore written in this project:

  1. Use namespaced/compat api:
  • File 01_compat.js
  • Enable this import line in ForestoreTest.jsx:
    import fetchDocs from './01_compat'
  1. Use normal modular api:
  • File 02_modular.js
  • Enable this import line in ForestoreTest.jsx:
    import fetchDocs from './02_modular'
  1. Use lite modular api:
  • File 03_lite.js
  • Enable this import line in ForestoreTest.jsx:
    import fetchDocs from './02_lite'

It's supposed that all Firestore requests work without any problem, though experimentalAutoDetectLongPolling is activated explicitly or implicitly default by SDK. But it's not. The actuality runs as below:

  1. With compat api, we need this line for Firestore to work:
    firebase.firestore().settings({ experimentalAutoDetectLongPolling: true })
  1. With modular api, none of these 2 firestore initializations work:
    // 1
    const firestore = getFirestore(app)

    // 2
    const firestore = initializeFirestore(app, {
    experimentalAutoDetectLongPolling: true,
  1. With lite api, both of these 2 firestore initializations work:
    // 1
    const firestore = getFirestore(app)

    // 2
    const firestore = initializeFirestore(app, {
    experimentalAutoDetectLongPolling: true,

It's weird that lite api works, normal modular api does not work.

And compat api work only if we activate experimentalAutoDetectLongPolling (experimentalForceLongPolling) explicitly.

Get started

  • Clone this project
  • Run npm install
  • Determine which Firestore version to use (compat, modular, lite) by toggling the corresponding import in FirestoreTest.jsx file
// NOTE: Use one of the following imports to test the different versions
// 1
import fetchDocs from './01_compat'

// 2
import fetchDocs from './02_modular'

// 3
import fetchDocs from './03_lite'
  • Run npm run dev
  • Open browser http://localhost:5173/


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