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Linux Server Configuration

Linux Server Configuration for a Python Web Application . This is the final project of part 5 - Udacity Fullstack Nano Degree

System Information

  • Virtual Machine (VM) is created by using Amazon LightSail. VM is running Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
  • Public IP:
  • Private Key (not shared)


You need to set up an Amazon LightSail, create an Ubuntu instance and download Private Key from your account page.

Project Tasks

1. Connect to VM on Amazon LightSail

  • In you terminal, move your Private Key to .ssh folder: mv ~/Downloads/PrivateKey.pem ~/.ssh/
  • Change permission of Private Key to 600: chmod 600 ~/.ssh/PrivateKey.pem
  • Connect to VM: ssh -i ~/.ssh/PrivateKey.pem [email protected]

2. Create user named 'grader'

  • Install finger to check user information later on: sudo apt-get install finger
  • Create user named 'grader': sudo adduser grader
  • See information of user named grader: finger grader

3. Change permission of grader

  • Create and edit grader file in sudoers.d: sudo nano /etc/sudoers.d/grader
  • Add this line: grader ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
  • Confirm the new permission by typing some sudo commands

4. Generate ssh keys for grader

  • On your local machine, run ssh-keygen, enter file's location and password. You will have two keys (example: grader and
  • Read the key by command: cat .ssh/, copy the content

5. Add ssh key to grader

  • Switch to grader by command: su - grader
  • Make .ssh directory: mkdir .ssh
  • Create authorized_keys file: touch .ssh/authorized_keys
  • Open the file with nano: nano .ssh/authorized_keys and paste the content of key
  • Change folder and file permission: chmod 700 .ssh chmod 644 .ssh/authorized_keys
  • Restart ssh service: sudo service ssh restart

6. Update installed software

  • Get the latest list of package: sudo apt-get update
  • Install newest package: sudo apt-get upgrade

7. Disable root login and change ssh port to 2200

  • Edit the file: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  • Change port from 22 to 2200
  • Edit PermitRootLogin without-password to PermitRootLogin no

8. Configure UFW for ssh, http and ntp

  • Check the status of firewall: sudo ufw status
  • Block all incoming traffic for maximum security: sudo ufw default deny incoming
  • Allow outgoing: sudo ufw default allow outgoing
  • Allow incoming ssh connection (port 2200): sudo ufw allow 2200/tcp
  • Allow incoming http connection (port 80): sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
  • Allow incoming ntp connection (port 123): sudo ufw allow 123/udp
  • Enable UFW: sudo ufw enable
  • Login to your Amazon LightSailt > select your instance > Networking > Firewall > Add custom with port 2200
  • Add custom with port 123 for UDP
  • Add custom with port 80 for HTTP

9. Change local time to UTC

  • sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata and select None of above and UTC

10. Install Apache2 and its configuration for mod_wsgi

  • sudo apt-get install apache2
  • Edit for WSGI module: sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf, add this line WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/html/myapp.wsgi before the closing tag

11. Install git to clone catalog application from

  • sudo apt-get install git

12. Install and enable mod_wsgi

  • Run command: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi python-dev
  • Enable mod_wsgi: sudo a2enmod wsgi

13. Create new folder, clone from and wsgi configuration

  • Move to: cd /var/www
  • Make new folder named catalog: sudo mkdir catalog and move to: cd catalog/
  • Clone the application from under new folder 'catalog': sudo git clone catalog
  • Create 'catalog.wsgi': sudo touch catalog.wsgi
  • Edit the file: sudo nano catalog.wsgi and add these line:
import sys
import logging
sys.path.insert(0, "/var/www/catalog/")

from catalog import app as application
application.secret_key = 'supersecretkey'
  • Move to: cd catalog/
  • Change name of '' to: `sudo mv

14. Install virtualenv and Flask

  • Install pip: sudo apt-get install python-pip
  • Install virtualenv : sudo pip install virtualenv
  • Create a new virtual environment: sudo virtualenv venv
  • Active venv to install Flask: source venv/bin/activate
  • Install Flask: sudo pip install Flask

15. Install other dependencies

  • sudo pip install httplib2 oauth2client sqlalchemy psycopg2 sqlalchemy_utils
  • sudo pip install requests
  • sudo pip install flask-seasurf

16. Update link to client_secrets.json

  • Edit the file: sudo nano
  • Change client_secrets.json to: /var/www/catalog/catalog/client_secrets.json

17. Config the virtual host

  • Run command: sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/catalog.conf
  • Enable the virtual host sudo a2ensite catalog

18. Install and config PostgreSQL

  • Run this command to install PostgreSQL: sudo apt-get install postgresql
  • Change to user 'postgres': sudo su - postgres
  • Run postgreSQL shell: psql
  • Create table and user name: CREATE DATABASE catalog; and CREATE USER catalog;
  • Create a password for user 'catalog': ALTER ROLE catalog WITH PASSWORD 'password';
  • Give user 'catalog' permission to table 'catalog': GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE catalog TO catalog;
  • Run command to quit and exit: \q and exit

19. Correct link to database in and

  • Edit and change engine = create_engine('sqlite:///catalog.db') to engine = create_engine('postgresql://catalog:password@localhost/catalog')

20. Setup database and add sample data

  • Run command: sudo python database_setup.python
  • Run command to add sample data: sudo python sample_data.python

21. Restart Apache

  • sudo service apache2 restart

Visit to see the app.


Linux Configuration for a Web Server






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