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These scripts work on:

  • macOS Mojave v10.14.4
  • GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin18)
  • Xcode Version 10.1, GNU 14
  • PCL Version 1.9.1
  • OpenCV Version 4.0.1
  • Boost Version 1.68.0

Table of contents

  1. interpolation_data_collection
  • interpolation_vlp.cpp
  • VelodyneCapture.h
  1. data_collection
  • vlp.cpp
  1. Tinkerforge_IMU2.0
  • brick_imu_v2.cpp
  • brick_imu_v2.h
  • ip_connection.cpp
  • ip_connection.h
  1. binary_to_ascii_converter
  • binary_to_ascii.cpp



This script is built upon UnaNancyOwen's simple program and uses his VelodyneCapture class. It retrieves data from the VLP-16 in forms of data packets, which is approximately 2.38° of a full 360° scan at 300 RPM. One data packet contains data from 24 firing sequences of the 16 lasers, which results in a maximum of 384 points per packet. All data packets are written to a binary pcd file the moment it is retrieved, and an IMU measurement is addressed to a separate line in a CSV file. The point cloud is colored based on the intensity return, where the intensity value is converted to RGB float with a color mapping procedure.

How to use this script with command line arguments:

Syntax Description
-h Prints a help message
-d Directory name of where to save the pcds
-f Specify fragment number
-o or: specify odometry number
-start Specify field of view start degree [0-359]
-end Specify field of view end degree [0-359]

Example usage:

./interpolation_vlp -d test_dir -f 0 -start 270 -end 90

press ctrl c to stop the data collection.


This script is built upon UnaNancyOwen's program. It retrieves data from the VLP-16 in the form of a frame, which means it captures one full 360° scan. This point cloud is written to a pcd file, and at the same moment, an IMU measurement is addressed to a separate line in a CSV file. This program also has a viewer that visualizes the scene while capturing data.

How to use this script with command line arguments:

Syntax Description
-h Prints a help message
-p <*.pcap> Velodyne capture from pcap file
-s Velodyne capture from sensor
-f Fast mode: Use space to start and stop writing pcds. Default: press space to write one scan as pcd.
-d Directory name of where to save the pcds

Example usage:

./vlp -s -f -d test_dir

press ctrl c to stop the data collection.

Here, the FOV needs to be changed in the Webinterface.


These scripts are from Tinkerforge and are used in both the previous programs. The scripts allow to connect and retrieve data from the Tinkerforge IMU 2.0. The header files are included in both the previous scripts.


This script simply converts an input ASCII pcd to a binary pcd file.

Example usage:

./converter some_ascii_pcd_file.pcd