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VersaTiles Frontend

VersaTiles Frontend is a dynamic, customizable frontend framework designed for interactive map and tile-based applications. It generates tar archives containing frontends that can directly used with e.g. versatiles-rs or node-versatiles-server.

Getting Started

Clone and Build

To get started with VersaTiles Frontend, clone the repository and install dependencies:

git clone [email protected]:versatiles-org/versatiles-frontend.git
cd versatiles-frontend
npm install
npm run build

This process will generate three distinct frontends:

  • frontend: A complete set with all styles, fonts, sprites, etc.
  • frontend-rust: Similar to frontend, with additional integration for the versatiles-rs API. (Work in progress)
  • frontend-minimal: A lighter version of frontend, excluding developer tools and limited to Noto fonts. (Work in progress)

For each frontend, two files are generated:

  • release/frontend*.tar.gz: Contains all files in a gzipped tar archive.
  • release/frontend*.br.tar: Contains all files precompressed with Brotli and packed in an uncompressed tar archive.

Using the Release with versatiles-rs

Deploy the frontend with versatiles-rs by downloading the latest release and serving it:

curl -L "" > ./
versatiles serve -s ./ "planet.versatiles"

Developer Guide

Run in Developer Mode

To run a frontend in developer mode:

npm run dev frontend

Developer mode activates the following actions:

  • Fetches all required assets (fonts, styles, sprites, libraries, etc.)
  • Builds the selected frontend (alternative frontends can be run similarly, e.g., npm run dev frontend-minimal)
  • Serves everything under http://localhost:8080/
  • Proxies tile requests to facilitate local development
  • Watches for any changes in the /frontends/ directory and automatically rebuilds

Project Structure

  • cache/: Used for caching requests, file compression, etc.
  • frontends/: Contains static files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) for use in various frontends.
  • release/: Stores finished release files.
  • src/: Contains TypeScript code for generating frontends and optionally serving them locally.


VersaTiles Frontend utilizes several external resources and libraries, including but not limited to:

Note: Some external dependencies may require separate installations or configurations.