Status This repository was replaced by a new implementation of the VRL playground that can be found here:
This repo houses the assets used to build VRL Web, a browser interface for experimenting with
Vector Remap Language, a DSL for interactive with observability data that you can use in some
Vector transforms, most notably the remap
transform. You can visit the app at
VRL Web is currently a work in progress. The basic contours are essentially in place—e.g. choosing from pre-selected example scenarios and resolving real program/event combinations—but the aesthetic and the UX remain a bit rough around the edges. This will change over the coming weeks and months.
The VRL Web client is a React.js application written in TypeScript. It uses Tailwind for CSS, Zustand for state management, Axios for its HTTP client, and the Monaco Editor for code windows.
The web app is deployed automatically using Netlify.
The VRL Web server is a Rust web server created using the Warp framework. It's essentially a
thin HTTP layer over Vector Remap Language logic found in the main Vector repo, specifically
the vrl
The server is deployed as a Docker image on the Fly PaaS platform. The current web address of the server is