- Gradle 8.2
- Java 17
- Kotlin 1.9
- Compose compiler 1.5.2
| app
| features
| common : common components
| userdetails : user details feature
| userlist : user list feature
| network
| retrofit-impl : retrofit implementations of user api
| user-api : user api to get users from network
| plugins
custom gradle plugins conventions to reuse in modules
| storage
| datastore-impl : proto datastore implementation of user api
| user-api : user api to get users from local storage
- Compose UI & navigation with an extended MVI pattern
- DI with Koin
- Networking with Retrofit & OkHttp
- Json converter with Moshi
- Loading image with Coil
- Storing with datastore by protobuf
- Streams with coroutines & flow
- Testing with JUnit 5
- Mocking with Mockk
- Coroutines test with Turbine & Kotest syntax