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The goal of this project is to automate the malware reverse engineering work flow. This includes building a pipeline that automatically extracts malicious features and indicators of compromise using different open source libraries, tools and threat intelligence (TI) feeds.

ColdPress Architecture

ColdPress architecture

Key Components

  1. Recursive file extraction

Binwalk is used to feed extracted files back into the pipeline manager for further analysis, as many samples contain other files within itself. Recursive analysis will be performed with limited depth, as false positives do exist in Binwalk's extraction process.

  1. Extensible modules

The system exposes an external module loader to allow users to define their own modules in Python. This allows the pipeline to be easily extensible without modifying the core source code. This is much inspired by the successful architectures of open source security testing frameworks, BeEF and Metasploit. The added modules can be any type (native python code, command line tool, or threat intel API).

On demand module toggling: All loaded modules can be toggled when ColdPress is run on the command line, to optimize usability of the pipeline. Both an include mode and exclude mode are built into the system to allow users to only run or not run specified modules.

  1. Multi-threading

The amount of modules implemented into CP means that the pipeline would be very slow if they run sequentially. Only a few modules need to be run sequentially before others (such as Binwalk, to extract other embedded files from a given sample before feeding them back into other modules). Others can run in parallel, to utilize the multi-core nature of modern CPUs.

Some malware samples would take a lot longer to run in some modules. For example, a sample with many functions and control ows would cause a path-explosion in tools such as Ghidra and capa, clogging up the execution time. This is solved in ColdPress via user-defined timeouts, which can be specified per sample or in total. If at any point the user forces ColdPress to exit an interrupt signal (Ctrl-C), all the data currently available will be written to JSON files and ColdPress would exit

  1. Fast mode

The system is designed to handle malware samples with batch processing. This allows a large amount of samples to be analyzed at once, increasing work ow efficiency. However, the number of malware samples that can analyzed in parallel depends on the amount of CPU power and memory available on the computer, as all modules in all samples execute in parallel by default. This is why ColdPress has a built-in fast mode. Each module has an attribute that specifies if it is a fast or slow module. When fast mode is toggled, only fast modules would be executed. This speed attribute is user-defined, which means when extending the pipeline, users need to measure the execution time of their new module and decide whether or not it can be run in fast mode.

Integrated Modules

All libraries and tools integrated into ColdPress are open-source. There are many types of modules, including Python libraries, Software Reverse Engineering (SRE) frameworks, Threat Intelligence (TI) APIs, Command Line Interface (CLI) tools, and output formatting modules.

Table below shows the modules currently integrated in ColdPress. Modules marked with * are external modules - meaning that they are written as user-defined modules that does not modify the ColdPress code base, and loaded into the pipeline at run time. These also serve as templates to allow technical users to easily add their own modules. Modules marked with are fast modules. Whether a module is fast or slow is user-defined for optimal control of the pipeline.

Python Libs SRE Frameworks TI APIs CLI tools Output
hashlib Ghidra VirusTotal* Binwalk JSON
ssdeep Radare2 OTX* capa
pefile ThreatMiner*


ColdPress is written in Python and built as a Docker container. To build the Docker image: run ./ To run ColdPress, one could spawn a shell inside the Docker container docker run -it coldpress bash and then run the main script inside the container. For better usability, a shell script is available for quick spawning of the Docker container. It takes a directory as the first argument to mount into the Docker container. One can use the sample benign binary provided (samples/minihash.exe) to test ColdPress.

  1. To batch-analyze an entire folder of samples: ./ /sample/path/to/mount <args> (e.g., ./ samples/ .)

  2. To analyze only one sample inside a directory, assuming that the file “filename” exists within that directory: ./ /sample/path/to/mount filename <args> (e.g., ./ samples/ minhash.exe)

  3. Update Virustotal and OTX API keys in the config file located config/apikeys.json

There are many command-line switches, such as -T <totaltimeout>, -x <m1,m2,..> to exclude modules by name, -m <m1,m2,..> to include modules by name, and so on. They can be added at the end of the arguments. For example, to run in fast mode: ./ /sample/path/to/mount filename -F (e.g., ./ samples/ minhash.exe -F)

Command-line switches available in ColdPress:

	-h    help
	-l    list modules
	-F    Run in fast mode, only enable fast modules
	-D    debug mode (disable ctrl-C handler, extra output...)
	-T <timeout>  total timeout in seconds, default 30 per (binwalk) extracted PE file
	-t <timeout>  timeout per extracted PE file, default 30 (incompatible with -T)
	-x <modules>  run all except these modules, comma separated
	-m <modules>  run only these modules, comma separated (incompatible with -x)
	-d <path>     output directory to store analysis results and artifacts

For more details on the usage, please check this demo video in Youtube


A detailed comparison with existing tools can be found here


These are the current limitations of ColdPress:

  1. Performs no dynamic analysis (some dynamic analysis results are returned via TI if available)
  2. Only PE files supported
  3. Does not perform malware auto-unpacking


Depending of the network speed, it'll take a while to build the ColdPress base image, located under src/coldpress-base, so please be patient.


Copyright (c) 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This software is licensed to you under the Universal Permissive License (UPL) 1.0 as shown at See LICENSE for more details.


Extensible Platform for Malware Analysis







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