a web based profit tracker, trading and asset manager tool for Eve Online (BETA native client for windows and android available)
Main features:
- tracks everything you buy and sell and calculates profits made (even if you buy and sell things over different characters)
- calculates taxes based on character standings
- calculates statistics for your best items, best time zones, fastest sellers and what's causing losses, etc (email reporting is also available)
- can plot your overall progress, asset distribution and wealth acquisition with several charts
- can check your market orders in real-time using CREST to see if they have been outbid or not
- displays everything you need to know from transactions, contracts, asset distribution and evaluation
- can simulate trades between different stations or regions, taking your standings and character skills into account using live CREST data
- can create stock lists up to 100 items, simulate profits with the above method and display best margins, best profit/m3, etc
- updates your data daily even if you don't login (for e-mail reports and more accurate net-worth evolution charts)
- can set custom broker fees for citadels of your choosing until ccp gives us proper crest support
- browse the market in real time trough all regions in New Eden, including all regions at the same time
- new! Keep track of every item's history overtime.
- Apache 2.2 web server (mod_rewrite and .htaccess files must be enabled)
- PHP >=7.1
- MariaDB or MySQL database
- NodeJS (for npm)
- Should work on any OS, but Windows users will need some extra tweaking with certificates to get the API calls working: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6400300/https-and-ssl3-get-server-certificatecertificate-verify-failed-ca-is-ok
- Citadel data https://stop.hammerti.me.uk/api/ (unofficial)
- Download/clone the repo onto your local web server.
1 - First update npm with the needed packages:
npm update
2 - Then install bower and gulp if needed
npm install bower
npm install gulp
and run
bower update
composer update
3 - Import the database (schema.sql)
4 - Make sure /phealcache has write permissions
5 - Edit the following files:
$config['base_url'] = ''; //your ETM path (don't forget the trailing slash)
'username' => 'root' // db user
'password' => '' // db password
'database' => '' // db name
6- Import the all_seeders sql file in /seeders
And that should be all. You can now launch it and create an account.
00 14 * * * cd [base application path] && php index.php internal/Autoexec_outposts
30 09 * * * cd [base application path] && php index.php internal/Autoexec_pricedata
55 23 * * * cd [base application path] && php index.php internal/Async_updater
00 * * * * cd [base application path] && php index.php internal/Autoexec_sum
First create an identical database and configure it on /config/database.php. Change the application enrvironment to 'testing' in index.php and browse to /ciunit_controller in your browser. You must run the test seeder file (in the correct database!) before every test run. You can write unit tests in /application/tests.
- Rewrite api key storage and validation rules
- Automatic item list update cron from CREST
- Unit tests (lots of them)