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Here's an updated README tailored for the specific project and API key retrieval instructions:

Template Project Setup

This project utilizes the undb platform for managing and retrieving schema data. To properly configure and run the project, you need to set up several environment variables. Follow the steps below to ensure everything is configured correctly.

Undb template table Setup

You should setup a table in undb

Environment Variables


  • Description: The URL of the undb instance where the schema will be retrieved from.
  • Default: http://localhost:3721
  • Example: PUBLIC_UNDB_HOST=http://localhost:3721


  • Description: The name of the base in undb where the templates are stored.
  • Default: templates
  • Example: UNDB_TEMPLATE_BASE_NAME=templates


  • Description: The name of the table within the base that contains the template schema.
  • Default: templates
  • Example: UNDB_TEMPLATE_TABLE_NAME=templates


  • Description: The API key used to authenticate requests to the undb instance.
  • Required: Yes
  • Instructions to Obtain:
    1. Navigate to your undb instance.
    2. Go to the Developer tab under the space you want to use.
    3. Create a new API token if you don't already have one.
    4. Copy the API key and set it in your .env file.

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd template
  3. Create a .env file in the root of your project and add the required environment variables:

    echo "PUBLIC_UNDB_HOST=http://localhost:3721" >> .env
    echo "UNDB_TEMPLATE_BASE_NAME=templates" >> .env
    echo "UNDB_TEMPLATE_TABLE_NAME=templates" >> .env
    echo "UNDB_API_KEY=your_api_key_here" >> .env
  4. Start the development server:

    bun install
    bun run dev

Additional Notes

  • Ensure that the undb instance is running and accessible at the specified PUBLIC_UNDB_HOST.
  • The API key (UNDB_API_KEY) must be obtained from your undb instance and should have the necessary permissions to access the schema in the specified base and table.

This README should guide users through the process of setting up and running the project, including retrieving the necessary API key from their undb instance.