- Oculus Rift
- HTC Vive
- HTC Vive Pro
- Razer OSVR
- StarVR
- Pimax 8K
- Google Cardboard
- Google Daydream View
- Microsoft Mixed Reality Headsets - Mixed Reality Toolkit
- Valve Index VR Kit
- Varjo VR-2 Pro, VR-2
- Leap Motion - Use hand and finger motions as input.
- http://priovr.com/#about
- https://neuronmocap.com/ - Mocap
- http://sixense.com/razerhydra
- http://sixense.com/wireless
- http://www.reachvr.com/
- http://graphinesoftware.com/
- http://ovrvision.com/order-ovr1/
- https://www.thalmic.com/en/myo/
- http://www.remoriavr.com/ - Lignum Input
- http://julesthuillier.com/vrtracker/
- Tobbi VR integration
- VR Glove:
- Eye Tracking:
- http://www.aglass.com/
- Open source eye tracking: https://pupil-labs.com
- http://www.binaryvr.com/ - Facial Recognition
- Full body tracking:
- Wireless HMD Kit:
- http://www.vive.com/eu/accessory/
- Top 10 Tips for New HTC Vive Owners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBRwSx125Z8
- How to add working replacement models for steamVR: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=687365559
- ImmotionRoom: your full body in Virtual Reality
- SteamVR Developer Hardware
- How to revive your non-working vive! (tips and tricks)
- Update Vive firmware
- HTCVive Bracket for Welding headgear mod
- VR Frames – Glasses for Virtual Reality Headsets
- HTC Vive Disposable Hygiene Cover Starter Kit
- Unity - Lots of resources, easy to get started. Awesome Unity
- Google VR SDK for Unity - Build VR applications for Android and iOS.
- Unreal Engine - VR Tutorials: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Platforms/VR/
- CryEngine - VR First Tutorials: https://www.cryengine.com/tutorials/vr-first-webinars
- Godot Engine
- Stingray
- ApertusVR - Open Source, free, embeddable, multi-platform AR/VR/MR engine.
- Simmetri - Powerfully fun sandbox VR engine and interactive design studio.
- Awesome WebVR - List of WebVR resources.
- Practical VR:A design cheat sheet
- Sense of Presence in Social VR Experience - Mirror 1 - Mirror 2
- Networked-Aframe
- LiveTourLab - Framework for creating VR Tours.
- A simple framework for creating VR with Lua
- React VR - Facebook VR Project
- VBjin-OVR - A Virtual Boy Emulator for the Oculus Rift
- Calcflow: https://github.com/matryx/calcflow
- UX of VR - A list of resources about the UI/UX considerations for VR.
- Practical VR: A design cheat sheet
- Virtual Reality Can Leave You With an Existential Hangover
- Simulating Weight in VR - Mirror Medium - Github Repository
- [Ciro Continisio (Unity Technologies) - UX and Interaction in Virtual Reality at DevGAMM Conference] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYzhsUVAED4)
- SteamVR: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr
- https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steamvr_unity_plugin
- https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/steamvr-plugin-32647
- Knuckles EV2, Unity, and the new SteamVR Input System: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1416820276
- Knuckles EV3: What"s New: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1508356684
- Knuckles EV3 Tech Demo: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Moondust
- Reimplementation of OpenVR, passing all calls directly to LibOVR: https://gitlab.com/znixian/OpenOVR
- SteamVR 2:
- Steam Lab Render: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/63141 - https://github.com/ValveSoftware/the_lab_renderer
- HTC Vive Asset Store Plugin: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/search/page=1/sortby=popularity/query=publisher:21581
- Walking in Place script for Unity and SteamVR
- HTC Vive Teleportation System with Parabolic Pointer: https://github.com/Flafla2/Vive-Teleporter
- VRTK: https://github.com/thestonefox/SteamVR_Unity_Toolkit:
- NewtonVR: [https://github.com/TomorrowTodayLabs/NewtonVR] (https://github.com/TomorrowTodayLabs/NewtonVR)
- Facal Point VR: http://www.albert-hwang.com/focal-point-vr
- ArmSwinger is an artificial VR locomotion library developed on Unity 5.4: https://github.com/ElectricNightOwl/ArmSwinger
- VR UI. This project contains the full source code for the Mesh Maker VR UI system. It includes Buttons, Panels, and automatic layout tools like Row and Column containers. It also provides File Open and SaveAs dialogs using a PhysX based kinetic scroller. Factory scripts are provided to quickly build these components from the Editor or from code. The intent is to save time when designing complex VR application UIs: https://github.com/createthis/createthis_vr_ui
- Unusual Virtual reality locomotion modifications for Unity3D
- TButt is Turbo Button"s framework for developing multiplatform VR games in Unity.
- An Unity plugin that allows developers to access Vive device status https://github.com/ViveSoftware/ViveInputUtility-Unity
- Vive Grip: https://github.com/JScott/ViveGrip
- VR Drum Keyboard from NormalVR - Medium Mirror - Mirror 2
- Keyboard Input for Virtual Reality - Mirror
- List VR KeyBoards:
- VRKeys - A drum-style keyboard for VR in Unity: https://github.com/campfireunion/VRKeys
- Punchkeyboard
- Cutie Keys
- VR Camera for HTC Vive: VR Camera
- Unity POC for click-drag interactivity in Vive: https://github.com/Albert/clicky-draggy
- A simple notification system to display plain text in VR for Unity engine: https://github.com/diglungdig/Simple_Note_VR
- Mirror in VR for SteamVR:
- https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/71255
- https://github.com/AADProductions/VR-Mirrors
- Unity EditorVR:
- VR Movement System for HTC Vive: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/47329
- VR Movement System for Oculus Touch: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/47292
- Flight Navigation for HTC Vive controller: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/61830
- A quickstart beginner-targeted VR toolkit for Unity, based on Unity"s built-in generic VR capabilities. It"s either this or you start using a dozen different SDKs if you"re doing multiplatform VR, basically. This Unity VR template will be helpful for you, no doubt about it https://github.com/AlexHolderDeveloper/BigfootXR
- Moon Motion Toolkit - Free and open source toolkit for VR locomotion http://moonmotionproject.com https://github.com/MoonMotionProject/MoonMotion
- A lightweight multiplatform interface for making VR games in Unity. https://github.com/turbobutton/tbutt-vr
- VR Scriptable Framework using Hybrid ECS https://github.com/Jamy4000/VRSF_Hybrid_ECS
- VR Tunnelling Pro (VRTP) is the most advanced VR comfort solution for Unity 5.6+: https://github.com/sigtrapgames/VrTunnellingPro-Unity
- Unity Post Processing source: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/PostProcessing/wiki
- A plugin to select deafult Microphone in Unity: https://github.com/GabeBigBoxVR/UnityDefaultMicrophone
- List of Best Unity Assets for VR Devs: Compiled by https://www.reddit.com/user/Legorobotdude
- RGB Haptics 1.0: https://www.rgbschemes.com/blog/rgb-haptics-1.0/
- Google Poly API
- Yobi3D - Free 3D model search engine
- Free3D - Free 3D model search engine
- Free low poly 3D nature assets (trees, plants, rocks and more!): https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/349kpt/free_low_poly_3d_nature_assets_trees_plants_rocks/
- Low Poly: Free Pack 3D Models/Environments Axey Works: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/58821
- Low Poly Animals: http://opengameart.org/content/5-low-poly-animals
- Free Low Poly from QuaterniusDev Reddit user: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/5a2xhl/free_low_poly_flat_shaded_pirate_pack/
- Assets LowPoly Free: http://simplecreations.info/
- Royalty free music: http://soundimage.org/
- Free Texture:
- Mixed Light Mode Cheat Sheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U5osiyz5gnuii-yApTAHYgcvpU_lz4gVBrMMtzmNcCg/edit
- Low Poly Shader: https://github.com/pavelkouril/unity-lowpoly-shader
- Shader Forge Tutorial Blog: http://blog.nordeus.com/art/50-shaders-of-forge-prototyping-with-shader-forge.htm
- Shader discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/1nxcxs/how_do_i_approach_learning_to_write_shaders/
- Free shaders:http://shaderslab.com/demo-82---extrude-faces.html
- Shapeshifting Object VFX in Unity:https://80.lv/articles/shapeshifting-object-vfx-in-unity/
- Water Ripple shader tutorial:http://peerplay.nl/ripple-water-shader/
- Volumetric Fog for Unity (Optimized for Single Pass VR (<1ms on a 980 TI on a vive): Vapor
- Modified Standard Unity Water for VR: WaterVRTest
- XRAntiAliasing: https://github.com/demonixis/XRAntiAliasing
- https://github.com/CJRobertson/HTCViveTemplate-UE4
- https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?106609-Steam-VR-Template
- VRTemplate
- Creating a basic VR demo using Unreal
- Nvidia VRWorks for UE
- Similar VRTK for Unreal: https://bitbucket.org/mordentral/vrexpansionplugin
- Virtual Reality Pawn and Components Plugin v2.2: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/vr-pawn-components-plugin
- Creating a VR Zombie Game With UE4 Blueprints
- UVRF - Handpresence temple for Rift / Vive (+ free shooting range)
- UVRF - Handpresence template for Rift / Vive (+ free shooting range) // Update 1.2 Bow archery range, directional and rotational grabs
- Unreal Engine Blueprint & C++ VR interaction functions (pre-configured VR Pawn & Grab/Push/Pull, Move, Teleport, Gestures recording & recognition component) for your VR projects. Get up & running quickly with your VR experience or game with this comprehensive plugin for UE4 https://github.com/1runeberg/RunebergVRPlugin
- VR School/Courses:
- VRDev School: http://www.vrdev.school/
- Fuseman Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLO98KHpNx6JwsdnH04l9yQ
- Udemy VR Course: https://www.udemy.com/courses/search/?q=VR&src=ukw
- Udacity VR Developer Nanodegree: https://www.udacity.com/course/vr-developer-nanodegree--nd017
- Zenva Complete Virtual Reality Game Development Course
- Unity 3D VR Course
- Tutorial Convrge for multiplayer VR:
- Virtual Reality by Unity - https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/51519
- https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/12/09/get-started-with-vr-sample-pack-learning-articles/
- Interesting VR Tutorial: http://www.leadingones.com/index.html
- Unity Introduction for VR (USC GamePipe Laboratory): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAxfcKQCwfA
- VR Best Practices - VR Best Practices by Oculus.
- New type of locomotion: http://smirkingcat.software/ripmotion/
- Udemy starter VR Course: https://www.udemy.com/developing-oculus-rift-vr-applications-with-unity3d/
- Do it yourself VR: http://diy-vr.com/
- Get Started Making Virtual Reality Games in Unity 5 for Free: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/get-started-making-virtual-reality-games-unity-5-free/
- Create a 1:1 replica of your VR workspace in under an hour with Unity: https://medium.com/yvr/create-a-1-1-replica-of-your-vr-workspace-in-under-an-hour-with-unity-71399bdb50a9#.fpm4b223g
- Very Interesting Blog for Unity VR Beginner developer: https://livierickson.com/blog/
- VR Unity Beginner Tutorial - Hand Models And Animations - GITHUB Repo
- Stater Tutorial for Unity VR Vive Developer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewqRU9y0i4I
- NormalVR (New VR Blog): http://www.normalvr.com/blog/throwing-throw-down/ - Mirror on Medium
- Oculus Rift in Action Blog: https://rifty-business.blogspot.it/
- Add a Mirror for the HTC Vive in Unity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgYBKzJiqI0
- How to enable SteamVR "Time Warp" Asynchronous Reprojection (ASR) for HTC Vive performance boost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9zOM7sP5Qo
- OLD: http://www.digitaltutors.com/tutorial/2227-Getting-Started-with-VR-in-Unity
- Facial Recognition: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/537566/oculus-rift-hack-transfers-your-facial-expressions-onto-your-avatar/
- HTC Vive Hack guide: http://www.ultravr.org/htc-vive-guide/ - Mirror
- HTC Vive: The Ultimate Guide: http://www.vrheads.com/htc-vive-ultimate-guide
- [HTC VIVE ESSENTIAL TIPS & TRICKS!] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrFZcvggGPI)
- Getting started with SteamVR Controller Input - Mirror - Miror 2
- Getting Started with SteamVR and Unity 5.4 Updated - Mirror
- Using the Valves – Lab Renderer for VR - Mirror - Mirror 2
- Introduction to OpenVR 101 Series: What is OpenVR and how to get started with its APIs - Mirror1 - Mirror 2 - Simple OpenVR tracking example using the HTC Vive as part of the OpenVR tutorials on The Ghost Howls Virtual Reality blog: https://skarredghost.com/
- Scripts that may be useful to other developers
- Vive Test Project
- Unity 3D Steam VR Video Tutorial Series
- DebugLog HTC Vive Unity 3D Steam VR Video Tutorial
- Very interesting HTC Vive Tutorial for SteamVR from raywenderlich site - Mirror - Mirror 2
- Advanced VR Mechanics With Unity and the HTC Vive Part 1 - Mirror - Mirror 2
- Advanced VR Mechanics With Unity and the HTC Vive Part 2 - Mirror - Mirror 2
- HTC Vive SteamVR Tutorial using Flafla2 Teleport, Probuil Box, Lab Render
- HTC Vive VR Input - Mirror - Mirror 2
- Unity + Vive Tutorial: Beginners
- How to make games for the HTC Vive with Unity and C# - GitHub repo
- Vive Tutorial - Intro / UI | Unity VR (VRTK) - GitHub Repo
- Tutorial: Controlling Objects with Vive Trackers in Unity - Mirror 1 - Mirror 2
- Implementing VR Scene Transitions by FusedVR
- Basic VR Interaction Prototyping Tutorial for Designers — No Coding Required
- How to Beautify the VR Spectator Camera and record stunning VR Content of your game - Mirror 1 - Mirror 2
- Oculus Rift troubleshooting guide: http://m.vrheads.com/oculus-rift-troubleshooting-guide
- How to play Stereoscopic 3D 360 Video in VR with Unity3D
- [Anti-aliased Alpha Test: The Esoteric Alpha To Coverage](“Anti-aliased Alpha Test: The Esoteric Alpha To Coverage” @bgolus https://medium.com/@bgolus/anti-aliased-alpha-test-the-esoteric-alpha-to-coverage-8b177335ae4f)
- http://www.blockinterval.com/project-updates/2015/11/10/better-sound-design-in-vr
- http://entitycrisis.blogspot.it/2014/09/surround-binaural-or-spatial-sound-in.html
- http://dearvr.com/
- https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/21994
- http://csoundjournal.com/issue19/InterfacingCsoundUnity.html
- https://github.com/marteroel/Binaural3D_Sound_Unity_Csound
- http://rorywalsh.github.io/CsoundUnity/
- http://realspace3daudio.com/unityplugindownloads/
- Free Valve Steam Audio - Support
- Google Resonance Audio - https://developers.google.com/resonance-audio/develop/overview
- VIVE 3D Sound Perception SDK: https://developer.vive.com/resources/knowledgebase/vive-3dsp-sdk-2/
List all HRTF sound Engines: http://designingsound.org/2015/04/3d-audio-weighing-the-options/
- Upload VR
- Road To VR
- VR Focus
- VR Scout
- The Ghost Howls
- Virtual Reality Reporter
- VR360
- Mashable - VR
- The Verge - VR
- The Guardin - VR
- Gizmodo - VR
- Telegraph - VR
- ScienceDaily - VR
- BBC - VR
- Entrepreneur - VR
- Wired - VR
- Liv Erickson - Personal GitHub Project LearnVR
- http://www.thevrbook.net/
- Handbook of Virtual Environments: Design, Implementation, and Applications, Second Edition: http://www.amazon.it/gp/product/1466511842
- Oculus in Action
- Editor Manning Main site: https://www.manning.com/books/oculus-rift-in-action
- Github Source Code: https://github.com/OculusRiftInAction/OculusRiftInAction
- OculusRiftInAction Blog"s Authors: http://rifty-business.blogspot.it/
- Mastering Oculus Rift Development: https://www.packtpub.com/game-development/mastering-oculus-rift-development - Code Repository: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Mastering-Oculus-Rift-Development
- Unity Virtual Reality Projects
- Virtual Reality: Create games from scratch - HomeSite Project Source
- Building Virtual Reality with Unity and Steam VR
- Learning Virtual Reality: Developing Immersive Experiences and Applications for Desktop, Web, and Mobile
- Entering Metaverse
- COMP 4010 - Lecture1 Introduction to Virtual Reality
- The Science of Locomotion in VR
- GDC 2018 - OpenXR - 2018 GDC: Slides, Videos, etc...
- VR Book from Prof. LaValle and MOOC VR Course:
- EE 267: Virtual Reality:
- How you can build your own VR headset for $100:
- Virtual Reality with VRTK4: https://www.apress.com/it/book/9781484254875#aboutBook
- Google TiltBrush Utility: https://github.com/google/tiltbrushtoolkit
- VR Simulator: http://developers.immerseum.io/vr-simulator-beta-0.9/
- Multi HMD: http://intugame.com/quarkvr/
- ReVive: https://github.com/LibreVR/Revive
- VR Prototipes: http://grayboxvr.com/
- OpenVR Advanced Settings Overlay: [https://github.com/matzman666/OpenVR-AdvancedSettings] (https://github.com/matzman666/OpenVR-AdvancedSettings) - Supersample HTC Vive using OpenVR AdvancedSettings
- New Viveport Scene SDK Hints at the Future of VR Content Browsing
- An OpenVR driver that allows to create virtual controllers, emulate controller input, manipulate poses of existing controllers and remap buttons.
- ChaperoneTweak: An in-VR chaperone editor: https://github.com/Xavr0k/ChaperoneTweak
- Oculus TrayTool - SuperSampling profiles, HMD disconnect fixes https://forums.oculus.com/community/discussion/47247/oculus-traytool-supersampling-profiles-hmd-disconnect-fixes-hopefully
- SteamVR Home Loader: https://github.com/CogentHub/HomeLoader
- N-GAME utility for keeping track of FPS (Frames Per Second), other performance counters, and SteamVR settings in SteamVR games and applications: https://store.steampowered.com/app/908520/fpsVR/
- Driver4VR – enhance your VR configuration: http://www.driver4vr.com/
- A tool to export any Unity GameObject into a FBX ASCII format: https://github.com/KellanHiggins/UnityFBXExporter
- OpenVR-InputEmulator: https://github.com/matzman666/OpenVR-InputEmulator
- Port your PC VR Application on Mobile: https://riftcat.com/vridge
- CognitiveVR, VR data analisys: http://cognitivevr.co/
- Ghostline is an advanced analytics suite for virtual reality
- OpenHMD aims to provide a Free and Open Source API and drivers for immersive technology
- How to setup Unity Analytics for your indie VR project?
- IBM Cognitivi API for Unity - GitHub Watson Unity Repo - https://github.com/IBM/vr-speech-sandbox-vive - Mirror - Mirror 2
- Useful tool to help you record in game footage while in your headset
- Free NVIDIA FCAT VR Performance Analysis Tool Available Now For Download - Mirror
- NVIDIA VRWorks and Unity
- Guardian Boundary Editor - Customize/straighten your boundaries - Download
- DEVELOPERS: this is how you handle the Oculus Parties voice chat when your app also uses voice chat (so that both VOIPs don"t run at once)
- Getting started with Oculus Touch and Avatar SDK in Unity [Updated] - Mirror 1 - Mirror 2
- HTC SteamVR Tracking LightHouse System:
- http://www.vrchat.net/
- http://janusvr.com/
- https://highfidelity.com/
- http://altvr.com/
- http://surre.al/
- http://scenevr.com/
- https://projectsansar.com/
- http://anyland.com/
- http://www.metaworldvr.com/
- https://github.com/HiddenMonk/Unity3DRuntimeTransformGizmo
- http://www.darkriftnetworking.com/Default.cshtml
- [Tutorial] Controlling Makehuman Avatar with Vive Trackers in Unity
- Unity Mecanim VR IK vs Final IK - VR IK using native Unity Mecanim IK
- Free, open-source TTS engine for .NET
- Performant Mumble Client For Unity3D - Warning seee note here: BananaHemic/Mumble-Unity#6
- Networked Physics in Virtual Reality: Networking a stack of cubes with Unity and PhysX - Mirror 1 - Mirror 2 - Main Repo - Example Test Repo
- SpatialOS Improbable.io: https://spatialos.improbable.io/