This repo contains sample code for the AI-HRI 2022 paper of "Mixed-Reality Robot Behavior Replay: A System Implementation" by Zhao Han, Tom Williams, and Holly A. Yanco.
This ROS package was tested with ROS Melodic on Ubuntu 18.04.
3.6 is the MongoDB version in Ubuntu 18.04"s repo:
In addition to the MongoDB related code based on the mongodb_store project, you can find the code we used for Figure 2-4:
- Code: record_the_replay.cpp
- Behavior trees:
- Robot with ROS support (e.g., Fetch)
- Ubuntu 18.04 (Official Ubuntu wiki page)
- ROS Melodic (Install instruction)
- A catkin workspace (Official ROS tutorial)
sudo apt-get install python-pymongo mongodb mongodb-dev
(There is also a Mongodb GUI software: Compass. You can download it here:
Here we will use our fork to strand project"s mongodb_store
, which is Note that the changes including a fix that makes the work.
To clone it in your catkin workspace"s source directory
First cd into your workspace.
roscd && cd ../src
Then download the strands project"s mongodb_store
git clone
Install Python dependencies
pip install --user future
Run catkin build
to build the ROS packages in the mongodb_store
catkin build mongodb_log mongodb_store mongodb_store_msgs
Start mongodb_store
roslaunch mongodb_store mongodb_store.launch host:=localhost use_daemon:=true port:=27017
has started as a systemd service when you install it using apt.
To check the status of the service
sudo service mongodb status
To stop
sudo service mongodb stop
Store topics by running
rosrun mongodb_log /topic_name_one /topic_name_two
Or all topics
rosrun mongodb_log -a
For topics that do not update at a constant rate add the argument --no-specific
rosrun mongodb_log --no-specific /topic_name_one
The --no-specific
argument disables a fast C++ logger needed for constantly updated topics. This logger might cause
errors when running mongodb_log for topics that do not require a fast C++ logger, and as such it is recommend to disable
that option.
Play back the topics by running
rosrun mongodb_store /topic_name_one /topic_name_two
Or all topics
rosrun mongodb_store
The MongoDBLogger Action acts as a regular action. MongoDBLogger.action is composed of the following:
# Takes in a string of topics to be logged separated by a colon ":", i.e. "/counter:/clock"
std_msgs/String topics
# The result will be all the topics logged during the duration of the action.
std_msgs/String topics_logged
# feedback will be composed of all the messages received
std_msgs/String msgs_received
To have the action server running run
rosrun mongodb
#include <mongodb/MongoDBLoggerAction.h>
typedef actionlib::SimpleActionClient<mongodb::MongoDBLoggerAction> Client;
Client client("mongodb_logger", true);
mongodb::MongoDBLoggerGoal goal;
//...put data in goal...
// what needs to be recorded...
You"ll need to build mongodb to use the Action Server.
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
If your ROS package is also a ROS library, you also need to add mongodb
to package.xml
and the catkin_package
block in CMakeLists.txt
Note: messages play from newest to oldest
Usage: [options] [TOPICs...]
Options: -s for starting time, and -e for ending time
Time format: "day/month/year hour:minute"
To have the playback stop at August 7th, 2019 5:25 pm (plays every message recorded after that time)
rosrun mongodb_store -e "07/08/19 17:25" /topic_name_one /topic_name_two ...
To have the playback start at August 7th, 2019 5:25 pm (plays every message recorded before that time)
rosrun mongodb_store -s "07/08/19 17:25" /topic_name_one /topic_name_two ...
Can also be combined
rosrun mongodb_store -s "07/08/19 17:25" -e "01/08/19 09:30" /topic_name_one /topic_name_two ...
Note that example needs a proper setup of this repo:
For simulations specific for caddy_manipulation that require playing back topics stored in mongodb, please launch gazebo via this command
roslaunch mongodb caddy_manipulation_gazebo_remap.launch
This launch file remaps the /clock
topic to /clock_temp
. This allows for no clock synchronizing issues when it comes
to replaying previous topics.
For any situation that requires the /clock_temp
topic to be remapped back (such as setting up the caddy_detector)
please run this on another terminal window:
rosrun mongodb undo_gazebo_clock_remap
Since replaying the nodes does not allow integrated measurements of certain parameters, we will have to set those parameters during each run of and Please launch the config manager with this command before running mongodb_log and mongodb_play. The mongodb_store server will have to be running in order for this to work.
rosrun mongodb_store _defaults_path:=pkg://mongodb/defaults
To store the caddy picking motion during simulation
rosrun mongodb_store _defaults_path:=pkg://mongodb/defaults
rosrun mongodb_log --no-specific /arm_with_torso_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/goal /gripper_controller/gripper_action/goal
To replay the caddy picking motion
roslaunch mongodb caddy_manipulation_gazebo_remap.launch
rosrun mongodb_store _defaults_path:=pkg://mongodb/defaults
rosrun mongodb_store /arm_with_torso_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/goal /gripper_controller/gripper_action/goal