This code was written during the Humanoid Robotics class taught by Dr. Jacky Baltes during the fall in 2014. It contains:
- an implementation of forward and inverse kinematics for a teen-sized humanoid (Assignment 1)
- an implementation of a parameterized walking engine by applying bézier curve for the humanoid (Assignment 2 & Assignment 3)
It"s written in python3
. matplotlib
and some other packages are used.
When the work is 80% done, I took a video using my phone while testing and uploaded to YouTube. You can see the real robot and how it walks. The final result is more stable than shown in the video.
You can run
to test the walking gait. In line 13 and 14 of that file, you can uncomment or comment out:
robot_server = VirtualRobotClient()
# robot_server = RealRobotClient()
to either test on real robot or virtual robot. For the virual robot, you need to run
to open the virtual robot.