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Open Source Graph Neural Net Based Pipeline for Image Matching


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OpenGlue - Open Source Pipeline for Image Matching

StandWithUkraine License: MIT

This is an implementation of the training, inference and evaluation scripts for OpenGlue under an open source license, our paper - OpenGlue: Open Source Graph Neural Net Based Pipeline for Image Matching


SuperGlue - a method for learning feature matching using graph neural network, proposed by a team (Paul-Edouard Sarlin, Daniel DeTone, Tomasz Malisiewicz, Andrew Rabinovich) from Magic Leap. Official full paper - SuperGlue: Learning Feature Matching with Graph Neural Networks.

We present OpenGlue: a free open-source framework for image matching, that uses a Graph Neural Network-based matcher inspired by SuperGlue. We show that including additional geometrical information, such as local feature scale, orientation, and affine geometry, when available (e.g. for SIFT features), significantly improves the performance of the OpenGlue matcher. We study the influence of the various attention mechanisms on accuracy and speed. We also present a simple architectural improvement by combining local descriptors with context-aware descriptors.

This repo is based on PyTorch Lightning framework and enables user to train, predict and evaluate the model.

For local feature extraction, our interface supports Kornia detectors and descriptors along with our version of SuperPoint.

We provide an instruction on how to launch training on MegaDepth dataset and test the trained models on Image Matching Challenge.


This code is licensed under the MIT License. Modifications, distribution, commercial and academic uses are permitted. More information in LICENSE file.


Steps to prepare MegaDepth dataset for training

  1. Create folder MegaDepth, where your dataset will be stored.
    mkdir MegaDepth && cd MegaDepth
  2. Download and unzip MegaDepth_v1.tar.gz from official link. You should now be able to see MegaDepth/phoenix directory.
  3. We provide the lists of pairs for training and validation, link to download. Each line corresponds to one pair and has the following structure:
path_image_A path_image_B exif_rotationA exif_rotationB [KA_0 ... KA_8] [KB_0 ... KB_8] [T_AB_0 ... T_AB_15] overlap_AB

overlap_AB - is a value of overlap between two images of the same scene, it shows how close (in position transformation) two images are.

The resulting directory structure should be as follows:

   - pairs/
   |   - 0000/
   |   |   - sparse-txt/
   |   |   |    pairs.txt
   - phoenix/S6/zl548/MegaDepth_v1/
   |   -0000/
   |   |   - dense0/
   |   |   |   - depths/
   |   |   |   |   id.h5
   |   |   |   - images/
   |   |   |   |   id.jpg
   |   |   - dense1/

Steps to prepare Oxford-Paris dataset for pre-training

We also release the open-source weights for a pretrained OpenGlue on this dataset.


This repository is divided into several modules:

  • config - configuration files with training hyperparameters
  • data - preprocessing and dataset for MegaDepth
  • examples - code and notebooks with examples of applications
  • models - module with OpenGlue architecture and detector/descriptors methods
  • utils - losses, metrics and additional training utils


For all necessary modules refer to requirements.txt

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

This code is compatible with Python >= 3.6.9

  • PyTorch >= 1.10.0
  • PyTorch Lightning >= 1.4.9
  • Kornia >= 0.6.1
  • OpenCV >= 4.5.4


Extracting features

There are two options for feature extraction:

  1. Extract features during training. No additional steps required before Launching training.

  2. Extract and save features before training. We suggest using this approach, since training time is decreased immensely with pre-extracted features. Although this step is disk memory expensive. To do this, run python with the following parameters (for more details, please, refer to module's documentation):

    • --device - [cpu, cuda]
    • --num_workers - number of workers for parallel processing. When cpu is chosen, assigns the exact amount of the set workers, for gpu scenario it takes into account the number of gpu units available.
    • --target_size - target size of the image (WIDTH, HEIGHT).
    • --data_path - path to directory with scenes images
    • --output_path - path to directory where extracted features are stored
    • --extractor_config_path - 'path to the file containing config for feature extractor in .yaml format
    • --recompute - include this flag to recompute features if it is already present in output directory
    • --image_format - formats of images searched inside data_path to compute features for, default: [jpg, JPEG, JPG, png]

    Choosing local feature extractor is performed via --extractor_config_path. We provide configs in config/features/, which user can edit or use unchanged:

Launching training

Before training, set all necessary hyperparameters configurations in your config file. If you selected to extract features during training, then edit config/config.yaml. For pre-extracted features config/config_cached.yaml will be used.

The description of possible configurations for training is provided in

Be aware, that default configs for feature extraction set a maximum of 1024 keypoints per image. For second option - pre-extraction, more keypoints are detected and saved. When calculating features during training, one of the corresponding configs from config/features_online should be selected and forwarded as a parameter, see example below. So, there is a great difference between launching with config.yaml or config_cached.yaml .

To launch train with local feature extraction throughout training, run:

python --config='config/config.yaml' --features_config='config/features_online/sift.yaml'

sift.yaml is an example, can be any config file from config/features_online. Important Note: DoG-AffNet-HardNet is only available for cached features run. We do not recommend extracting features with this model during training.

To launch train with cached local features, run:

python --config='config/config_cached.yaml'

The parameter responsible for configuring cached features location is features_dir.

The logging results will be visible inside a log folder experiment name, specified in config.yaml.

Pretrained models

Our checkpoints are available in this folder. Some other weights might be added in the future.


Example of how to run inference and receive visualizations is shown in Image-matching.ipynb.

To run inference on two images and receive a visualization of resulting matches, please use

python --image0_path '926950353_510601c25a_o.jpg' --image1_path '91582271_7952064277_o.jpg' --experiment_path 'SuperPointNet_experiment' --checkpoint_name 'superglue-step=999999.ckpt' --device 'cuda:0 --output_dir 'results.png'

To use inference scripts in your code, please take a look at run_inference function in, which returns img0, img1, lafs0, lafs1, inliers.


This implementation is developed by Ostap Viniavskyi and Maria Dobko as part of the research project at The Machine Learning Lab at Ukrainian Catholic University. Contributors and collaborators: Dmytro Mishkin, James Pritts, and Oles Dobosevych.


Please cite us if you use this code:

  doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2204.08870},
  author = {Viniavskyi, Ostap and Dobko, Mariia and Mishkin, Dmytro and Dobosevych, Oles},
  title = {OpenGlue: Open Source Graph Neural Net Based Pipeline for Image Matching},
  publisher = {arXiv},
  year = {2022}