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Malli type providers

This project demonstrates how Typed Clojure can automatically convert Malli schemas to use for type checking.

The example namespace typed-example.malli-type-providers uses malli.core/=> to register a normal malli schema and then Typed Clojure uses it as an expected type to both check and infer a var.

(m/=> foo [:=> [:cat :int] :int])
(defn foo [t] (inc t))
(foo 1)

The namespace typed-example.malli-extensible shows how Typed Clojure can be taught about new schemas.

The namespace typed-example.malli-global-registry shows how to use Malli's global registry with Typed Clojure.


See deps.edn for required dependencies.

clj -A:dev
user=> (require '[typed.clojure :as t])
;; even though there are no explicit Typed Clojure annotations
;; the namespace still type checks by converting Malli schemas to Typed Clojure types.
user=> (t/check-ns-clj 'typed-example.malli-type-providers)
user=> (t/check-ns-clj 'typed-example.malli-extensible)