A Flutter Widget for displaying gradient text, text with a gradient drawn through it.
Add the plugin (pub coming soon):
gradient_text: ^1.0.1
Import it:
import 'package:gradient_text/gradient_text.dart';
Use it:
GradientText("this is my text",
gradient: LinearGradient(
colors: [Colors.deepPurple, Colors.deepOrange, Colors.pink]),
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 42),
textAlign: TextAlign.center);
data :: (required) :: The String
to be used in the Text
gradient :: (required) :: A gradient to be drawn through the text
style :: (optional) :: TextStyle
to be used in the Text
Widget. Color is ignored, as the text must be white to have the gradient drawn.
textAlign :: (optional) :: TextAlign
to be used in the Text
Widget. Default is left.
The idea to use ShaderMask
came from Reddit user boformer. Thanks boformer.