A Cobra-like argument parser in Scala, aim to be simple
We already have scopt as argument parsing library in Scala. But when we use it in the project, it quickly became a mess since all the parser configs is centralized. There are tons of options in the Config class, each argument comes with one validation function, they are all centralized. In a big CLI program, surely it's very unpleasant to read.
So we write this library as a wrapper of scopt, and taking the code structure of cobra to make this.
Defining commands
private class rand extends SubCmd {
override def use: String = "rand"
override def description: String = "generate random number"
override def execute(): Unit = {
println(s"random number: ${math.random()}")
private class echo extends SubCmd {
override def use: String = "echo"
override def description: String = "echo whatever you say"
private var msg: String = _
override def init(): Unit = {
arg[String](Some('m'), "msg", d => msg = d, Some("message to echo"))
override def execute(): Unit = println(s"you said: $msg")
private class root extends RootCmd {
override def use: String = "example"
override def description: String = "Example command"
override def init(): Unit = {
subCmd(new rand)
subCmd(new echo)
Invoking parser
val parser = new Parser(new root)