If you love transparent term, but your favourite Neovim color scheme doesn't
If your are vim (Not neovim) user, Use vim-transparent instead.
With transparent.nvim (example color scheme is eva01)
Without vim-transparent
event = 'VimEnter',
config = true,
Plug 'tribela/transparent.nvim'
lua << EOF
auto = true, -- Automatically applies transparent
extra_groups = {}, -- If you want to add some groups to be transparent. eg: { 'Pmenu', 'CocFloating' }
excludes = {}, -- If you want to excludes from default transparent groups. eg: { 'LineNr' }
transparent.nvim automatically transparent all of highlight settings.
You can disable it by :TransparentDisable
and re-enable it by :TransparentEnable
, Toggle it by :TransparentToggle