A configuration language for sane programmers.
The full language specification is located in SPEC.md.
- Whitespace-based format that does not require indentation
- Simple, limited syntax
- JSON-style objects and lists
- Reference values
- File import
- Non-Turing complete Lisp-style expressions
- Compatible with:
// C-style comments
and block comments
// Key-value pairs are based off of newlines
title "Tot Example"
// Strings can be split across multiple lines
description "
A cool
\"multiline\" description
Keys can have no value denoted by an empty expression.
unit-value null
// Keys are always parsed as Strings
// The key names cannot contain double quotes unless they are escaped (i.e. \")
1 2
tim's-value "value"
my-int 1
my-float 1.0
// JSON-style objects (called dicts in Tot)
counter {
count 10
should-restart false
inner-config {
timezone "GMT"
// JSON-style lists
things-i-like [
"turtles", // Note that commas are optional in lists
// Reference values
my-title (& title) // Equal to my-title "Tot Example"
// Reference value access
my-timezone (& counter inner-config timezone) // Equal to my-timezone "GMT"
// Expressions
// A subset of Lisp syntax that is intentionally not Turing-complete
calculated-number ( 1 2) // Equal to calculated-number 3
// Generators
(gen person [name description] {
name name
description description
favorite-food "unknown"
some-person (person "Tim" "A cool person")
(gen calculate-square [n] (* n n))
square-of-2 (calculate-square 2)
The test cases in the test-cases
directory should be runnable for every implementation.