image is the Torch7 distribution package for processing images. It contains a wide variety of functions divided into the following categories:
- Saving and loading images as JPEG, PNG, PPM and PGM;
- Simple transformations like translation, scaling and rotation;
- Parameterized transformations like convolutions and warping;
- Simple Drawing Routines like drawing text or a rectangle on an image;
- Graphical user interfaces like display and window;
- Color Space Conversions from and to RGB, YUV, Lab, and HSL;
- Tensor Constructors for creating Lenna, Fabio and Gaussian and Laplacian kernels;
Note that unless speficied otherwise, this package deals with images of size
nChannel x height x width
The easiest way to install this package it by following the intructions to install Torch7, which includes image. Otherwise, to update or manually re-install it:
$ luarocks install image
You can test your install with:
$ luajit -limage -e "image.test()"
> require "image"
> l = image.lena()
> image.display(l)
> f = image.fabio()
> image.display(f)