All the power of Pug, Sass, Coffeescript and WebPack in your WordPress theme. Stop writing themes like it's 1998.
Apr 28, 2023 - PHP
Sass is a stylesheet language with a main implementation in Ruby. It is an extension of CSS that makes improvements to the old stylesheet format, such as being able to declare variables and using a cleaner nesting syntax.
All the power of Pug, Sass, Coffeescript and WebPack in your WordPress theme. Stop writing themes like it's 1998.
A starter theme from WebDevStudios.
Flexible Bootstrap WordPress starter theme with full WooCommerce support and built-in SCSS compiler.
Open source CMS written in PHP focused on ease of use with true WYSIWYG editing and flat-file storage.
The open source codebase - Learn, build, and meetup with other developers on DISCORD and YOUTUBE
Plate: a super stripped-down WordPress starter theme for developers.
Laravel React Boilerplate with Ant Design, Route-Level Code Splitting, Redux, Sanctum Auth
Boilerplate made by David Hellmann
Blank slate WordPress theme for Developers, packaged with Gulp.js for processing SCSS and JavaScript (ES6)
Starter Wordpress \ WooCommerce theme based on bootstrap.
Framework for web app
ES6 SASS Hot Reloading Docker WordPress Theme
PHP HTML5 Banner Creator
Starterkit for Craft CMS 2.x (Multi-Environment Configs with HeartyConfig, Gulp, and Bower for Dependencie-Management)
Created by Hampton Catlin, Natalie Weizenbaum, Chris Eppstein
Released November 28, 2006