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The Fobit Game


This is an unreleased RPG card game that was abandoned because it was, well, boring. However, this code can be used as example in many areas:

  • Drools: this game uses Drools as its rules engine, to process cards effects
  • Gradle: you can find many Gradle files, ready to be used on contexts like Docker and AWS
  • Docker: a sample docker image and commands to publish a image on DockerHub
  • Jenkins: steps to configure Jenkins from scratch including a Jenkinsfile (for Jenkins Pipeline)
  • Nginx: a reverse proxy server with a small example config on nginx.conf
  • AWS: some basic operations on AWS
  • SASS: to create custom css
  • AngularJS: as front-end js technology
  • Springboot: as server-side technology


Main screen


Card selection screen folder-structure

Card details


Battle screen



In this game you have 32 yes/no decisions to take. You can think a lot and won the game.

Or you can try 4 billion times (2^³²) and won the game as well.

Note: this game was abandoned. If you copy and paste something from here, please read our licence :)

How to play locally compiling source code

  • Install Java 8 or higher
  • Install sass using ruby installer (gem)
    • Note: dont use Ubuntu package (sudo apt install sass). It will not work. Use the following commands:

      $ sudo apt install -y ruby-dev gcc automake libtool rubygems build-essential

      $ sudo gem install sass

  • Compile and run the server with:
    • ./gradlew
  • Access http://localhost:5000

How to play anywhere using docker

Docker Images

Each release is launched at our Docker Hub page. You can check also our releases notes in the file.

Rest API

Call Method Description Example
/api/version GET Gets current version /api/version
/api/battle/{cardsCode} GET Starts a new battle /api/battle/0, /api/battle/FFCCDD

Technical Notes

  • Front-end: JavaScript, AngularJS 1.6.9, Bootstrap 4.1.1, SASS 1.7.0
  • Back-end: Java 1.8.0, Spring Boot 2.0.1, Drools 7.7.0
  • Build system: Gradle 4.8
  • Unit/Integration tests: Spock/Groovy
  • Continuous Integration: Jenkins
  • Code quality: SonarCloud