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Calculations with dimensional quantities

Toy implementation for calculation of unitized quantities. Beware, incomplete and not yet thoroughly tested.


units [<Units-DSL>]

Units-DSL is ordinary RED with added pseudotype for dimensioned (i.e. unitized) quantities in form <number><units>, e.g. 1kg, -200m, 10m2, 20e8dyn, 5.5kg*m/s2, 10m/s... and currencies either in form USD$100, EUR$50.35 or as other quantities 30CAD, 1.5PLZ or in combination with other quantities 100USD/hr, 50EUR/m2.

Now also angles 10deg, 1.5rad, also in combination with other quantities, e.g. 1turn/hr; and vectors with parenthesized literal form: (1,2), (1,2,3) or (1,2,3,4) (somewhat like expected point! type). All vectors are expanded to 4 dimensions, but not all dimensions are always used. Vectors are used to implement complex numbers and quaternions.

Scales for quantities are defined in, implementation is in

Quantities are rewritten with pre-load into parenthesized functions

>> "1kg"
== "(basic kg 1)"
>> "1kg3"
== "(derive {kg3} 1)"
>> "100USD/m2"
== "(derive {USD/m2} 100)"
>> "(1,2,3,4)"
== "(vector compose [1 2 3 4])"

compose seen in last example enables composition of vectors and also of other quantities:

>> "(1,0,(pi / 2),1)"
== "(vector compose [1 0 (pi / 2) 1])"
>> "a: 123.456 (a / 3)kg/m2"
== "a: 123.456 (derive {kg/m2} (a / 3))"

Inside units [...], these functions create objects with following structure:

probe units [1kg]
make object! [
    type: 'mass
    symbol: 'kg
    amount: 1
    scale: #(
        g: 1000
        ton: 0.001
        lb: 2.2046226218487757
    parts: [kg]
    dimension: make vector! [0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
    vector: none
    as: func [sym /only][either only [
        unit-value/only sym self
    ] [
        unit-value sym self
probe units [normalize (0,1,1,0)]
make object! [
    type: 'vector
    symbol: none
    amount: 1.0
    scale: none
    parts: none
    dimension: make vector! [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
    vector: make vector! [0.0 0.7071067811865475 0.7071067811865475 0.0]
    as: none

Fields can be accessed with corresponding functions:

utype? <val>
symbol? <val>
amount? <val>
dim? <val>
parts? <val>
scale? <val>
vec? <val>


>> units [utype? (0,0,0,1)]
== vector
>> units [utype? 1kg*m/s2]
== force
>> units [utype? 100km/hr]
== velocity

>> units [scale? USD$1]
== #(
    CAD: 1.4
    EUR: 0.91
>> units [parts? 1kg*m/s2]
== [[kg m] [s 2]]
>> units [dim? 1N]
== make vector! [0 1 1 -2 0 0 0 0 0]
>> units [vec? 45deg]
== make vector! [0.0 0.71 0.71 0.0]

Quantities can be compared, added, subtracted, multiplied, divided and rised to powers. Comparisons return logic values arithmetic operations return new objects. In following units [] are implied:

USD$1 < EUR$1
;== true

1km = 1000m
;== true

100m / 2s
;== make object! [
;  type: 'derived
;  symbol: "m/s"
;  amount: 50.0
;   ...

500km / 150mi/hr
;== make object! [
;  type: 'basic
;  symbol: 'hr
;  amount: 5.36448
;  scale: #(
;    mn: 60
;    ...

mass: 20kg    acceleration: 9.8m/s2    force: mass * acceleration
amount? force
;== 196.0

symbol? force
;== "kg*m/s2"

1m ** 3
;== make object! [
;    type: 'derived
;    symbol: "m3"
;    amount: 1
;    scale: none
;    parts: [[m 3]]
;   ...

Quantities can be converted to different units with as-unit, to-unit, re-dimension and form-as:

as-unit EUR PLZ$25                     ; recalculates second argument in terms of unit given as first argument
;== 5.482456140350878

form-as EUR PLZ$25                     ; forms value of second argument in terms of unit given as first argument
;== "EUR$5.48"

form-unit re-dimension 1g*mm/s2 1dyn   ; redimensions second argument in units of first argument (and `form-unit` forms it with units)
;== "10.0g*mm/s2"

to-unit dyn 1N
;== make object! [
;    type: 'basic
;    symbol: 'dyn
;    amount: 100000
;    ...

Dimensioned quanities can be vectorized:

amount? (100m * 30deg)   (150m * 135deg)
;== 157.2750096071349

Vectorized quantities can be turned, elevated and rotated:

p: 10m * 45deg turn p 15deg elevate p 30deg probe angle? p probe elevation? p
p: rotate 10m * 0deg (-120,1,1,1) probe angle? p elevation? p
;== 90.0
p: rotate 10m * 0deg (120,1,1,1) probe angle? p elevation? p
;== 0.0

Second argument to rotate is either vector! type or vector quantity, where first element is rotation angle and rest determines rotation axis.

Finally, basic complex and quaternion arithmetic works:

vec? (1,0) * (0,1)
;== make vector! [0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0]
vec? (1,0) * ((0,1) ** 2)
;== make vector! [-1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]
vec? (1,0) * ((0,1) ** 3)
;== make vector! [0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0]
vec? (1,0) * ((0,1) ** 4)
;== make vector! [1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]

vec? (1,0,0,0) * (0,0,0,1)
;== make vector! [0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0]
vec? (0,1,0,0) * (0,0,0,1)
;== make vector! [0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0]
vec? (0,1,0,0) * (0,0,1,0)
;== make vector! [0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0]
vec? (0,1,0,0) * (0,1,0,0)
;== make vector! [-1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]
>> units [vec? (0,0,0,1) ** 2]
== make vector! [-1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]
>> units [vec? (0,0,0,1) ** 3]
== make vector! [0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0]
>> units [vec? (0,0,0,1) ** 4]
== make vector! [1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]


Added entities -- these are objects which can contain several quantities, e.g.:

units [
	Americana-for-two: entity [flour-00: 625g water: 375g salt: 15g yeast: 0.67g sugar: 10g oil: 50g]
	prices: entity [flour-00: 20.0EUR/kg salt: 5.53EUR/kg yeast: 2.8EUR/kg sugar: 0.56EUR/kg oil: 1.29EUR/kg water: 0.002EUR/kg]
	Americana-for-200: 100 * Americana-for-two
	price: Americana-for-200 * prices

form-entity forms all quantities in given entity:

>> units [form-entity price]
== make object! [
    flour-00: "EUR$1250.00"
    water: "EUR$0.08"
    salt: "EUR$8.30"
    yeast: "EUR$0.19"
    sugar: "EUR$0.56"
    oil: "EUR$6.4...

total-dim sums quantities with given dimension in entity:

>> units [form-unit total-dim price 'currency]
== "EUR$1265.57"


Added downloading currency rates by @rebolek (code in

Initially for USD only, e.g.

>> set-scales/dim make-rates-table select get-rates 'rates dims/currency
>> probe scales/USD
    CAD: 0.7179857058553538
    EUR: 0.8992805755395683
    HKD: 0.12902085542863555
    ISK: 0.006996805111821086
    PHP: 0.019708630576241292
    DKK: 0.14685764866822243
    HUF: 0.0031254459825888394
    CZK: 0.03983266642415424
    AUD: 0.6536923168766043
    RON: 0.22610886264144708


Calculations with dimensional quantities






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