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Setup Remote Server

This repository contains scripts for setting up a remote server for research purpose. The scripts install essential packages and useful tools for NLP research, such as miniconda, linuxbrew, and fzf.

SSH Key Setup

  1. Generate a new SSH key if you don't have one (@LOCAL MACHINE)

    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""  # Enter a passphrase if you want
    cat ~/.ssh/  # Copy the public key
  2. Copy the public key to the remote server (@REMOTE MACHINE)

    mkdir -p ~/.ssh
    chmod 700 ~/.ssh
    echo '{public key}' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
    chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  3. Add following SSH config to ~/.ssh/config (@LOCAL MACHINE)

    Host {Hostname (Nickname)}
        HostName {IPAddress or DomainName}
        User {Username}
        ForwardAgent yes
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
  4. Test to login without password

    ssh {hostname}

Setup Scripts

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone
  2. Setup base packages (miniconda, ssh-key for github)

    bash setup-remote/
    source ~/.bashrc
  3. Install linuxbrew

    bash setup-remote/
    source ~/.bashrc
  4. Install useful command line tools (fzf, eza, bat, dust)

    bash setup-remote/
    source ~/.bashrc


Python Environment

Option-1: Simple usage (venv)

# Create a new python environment
cd ~/{project directory}
python -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate

# Install packages
pip install {packages}=={version}

Option-2: Use miniconda (if you want to switch python versions or use conda packages)

# Create a new python environment
conda create -n myenv python=3.12
conda activate myenv

# Install packages with pip (basically using pip only)
pip install {packages}=={version}

# Use conda to install if install with pip doesn't work
conda install -c conda-forge faiss-gpu # for example

Tmux (terminal multiplexer)

See docs:

  • Essential usages (using customized aliases in files/.bash_aliases):

    # Create a new session
    cd ~/{project directory}
    tn  # alias for `tmux new-session`
    # See all sessions
    tl  # alias for `tmux list-sessions`
    # Attach to a session
    ta -t {session name or number}  # alias for `tmux attach-session`
  • Command for tmux (default prefix is Ctrl b):

    # Pane operations
    {prefix}   "  # Split the current pane horizontally
    {prefix}   %  # Split the current pane vertically
    {prefix}   {cursor key}  # Move to the next pane
    SHIFT   {cursor key}  # Same as above
    {prefix}   hjkl  # Resize the current pane
    {prefix}   \{  # Swap the current pane with the previous pane
    {prefix}   \}  # Swap the current pane with the next pane
    # Window operations
    {prefix}   c  # Create a new window
    {prefix}   n  # Move to the next window
    {prefix}   p  # Move to the previous window
    # Session operations
    {prefix}   d  # Detach from the current session
    {prefix}   s  # List all sessions and select one to attach

Useful command-line tools

Install by running


fzf is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder. It is useful for searching file/directory, logs, and command history.

  • Example usages

    # Search logs
    sudo cat /var/log/syslog | fzf
    # Search library versions
    pip list | fzf
  • Search command history with CTRL r (you can use it while typing command).

    amaekawa@gpu01:~/dataset-distillation-with-summarization(develop*)$ (CTRL   r)
     │ > conda                                                                   │
     │   365/2133  S ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │
     │ > 4893    conda activate DatasetDistillation                              │
     │   4475    conda deactivate                                                │
     │   4473    conda activate RSTParsingWithLLM                                │
     │   4320    conda activate                                                  │
     │   3506    conda install -c conda-forge faiss-gpu                          │
     │   3391    conda install -c pytorch -c nvidia faiss-gpu=1.8.0              │
     │   3383    conda --version                                                 │
     │   3104    which conda                                                     │
     │   3094    conda install python=3.10                                       │
     │   3093    conda activate base                                             │
  • Search files with fzf or CTRL t (default keybinding).

    amaekawa@gpu01:~/dataset-distillation-with-summarization(develop*)$ (CTRL   t)
     │ > dataset                                                                 │
     │   52/4263 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │
     │ > src/data/                                                     │
     │   src/data/__pycache__/dataset.cpython-310.pyc                            │
     │   src/data/                                                 │
     │   src/                                               │
     │   src/                                                 │
     │   src/                                        │
     │   src/data/__pycache__/raw_dataset.cpython-310.pyc                        │


eza is a modern, maintained replacement for the venerable file-listing command-line program ls.

  • Example usages (see aliases in files/.bash_aliases)

    Command Description
    ll, List files in directory (alternative to ls -l)
    la List all files in directory (alternative to ls -a)
    lt, lt2, lt3 List files in directory recursively (alternative to ls -R)


bat is a modern replacement for cat command. It provides syntax highlighting and git integration.

  • Example usages (use instead of cat command)

    bat {filename}


dust is a more intuitive version of du command. It provides a tree-like view of disk usage.

  • Example usages

    dust .  # Show disk usage of the current directory
    dust -d 1 {dir path}  # Show disk usage with depth 1


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