Student in Tehran University
- Tehran
- Tohidhaghighi.ir
An anthology of a variety of tools for the Persian language in javascript
A light-weight REST API development framework for ASP.NET 6 and newer.
Easy and optimized way to apply Filtering, Sorting, and Pagination using text-based data.
All course files for the "Using TypeScript with Vue 3" tutorial on the Net Ninja YouTube channel.
Solidity Zero2Hero: A Roadmap for Mastering Smart Contract Development
The all-in-one AI library for Persian, supporting a wide variety of tasks and modalities!
An open-source UI-first Identity and Access Management (IAM) / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform with web UI supporting OAuth 2.0, OIDC, SAML, CAS, LDAP, SCIM, WebAuthn, TOTP, MFA, Face ID, RADIUS, Goo…
A lightning-fast search API that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow
An Open-Source Package for Textual Adversarial Attack.
Fairness and Algorithmic Decisions
A simple html/javascript website for grabbing any reddit user's profile picture (avatar) and saving it to your PC.
💎 A collection of awesome training series, articles, videos, books, courses, sample projects, and tools for Microservices in .NET
Miller is like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON
Investment Research for Everyone, Everywhere.
Converts markdown to html using python and antlr
Gathers machine learning and Tensorflow deep learning models for NLP problems, 1.13 < Tensorflow < 2.0